Pavement Maintenance Program

Members of the Sheridan City Council and Mayor Rich Bridger were updated on the City’s Pavement Maintenance Program at the most recent Council meeting. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
City Engineer Hanns Mercer provided the update to the mayor and council and said the City has roughly 153 miles of paved roads and 31 miles of unpaved roads in the network. He said the network is a major asset to the City, requiring ongoing maintenance and rehabilitation and preservation services to be able to provide a desirable level of service to the traveling public.
Mercer said the PCI rating for the majority of Sheridan roads ranged from 55 to 100, which translates to being in fair to good condition. The data does show that the PCI trend line has been trending down recently. Mercer talked about the chip and slurry seal preservation program that helps extend the life of roads.
Mercer said the rotomill and overlay program also helps preserve and prolong roads in Sheridan. He said putting some sort of preservation coat on the surface roughly four to five years after the road is constructed is the best point and time to extend the lifetime of the road. Mercer said the number of road miles within Sheridan continues to grow.
Mercer said growth coupled with inflation will mean the City will need to increase their road investments in the budget for the next fiscal year.

Jack wood
March 25, 2022 at 8:22 am
Hoping your paving maintenance program includes paving Lewis St. from Highland east to Val Vista. This road has been patched enough.
Patricia Cash
March 27, 2022 at 3:31 pm
I am a senior and I have to use a scooter. Since I moved here last May, I’ve almost been hit by an auto three times not paying to the lights. I try to take the side walks but between Avoca Ave and Coffeen in front of the Lumber company down toHome depot the side walks are impassable.. It’s hard to cross the street at the crosswalk where Perkins and Wendys and Greese Monkey the lights button to provide me a crossing are too hard to get to. If Im crossing the street from Perkins side to Grease Monkey side I have to push the button, back my scooter up and proceed to cross the street, By that time the autos have started to go and they almost hit me.Also from the Wendys side to auto sales in the other direction. What can I do????????????