Pete Mohseni from Black Mountain Nordic made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the sport and announce a few events that will give...
Unemployment numbers in Wyoming increased some in December 2024 thanks to the cold weather. The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services says the statewide seasonally adjusted unemployment...
This is the first part of a two-part story on the Tuesday, January 28, SCSD#2 Board of Trustees Legislative round-table. There was standing room only at...
Wyoming’s 4-year on-time High School graduation rates remained consistent last school year, while the rates for North-Central Wyoming High Schools had mixed results. The Wyoming Department...
Applications are now being accepted from high school juniors and seniors in the classes of 2025 and 2026 to represent Wyoming at the 2025 National Youth Science...
A resolution adopting the Sheridan Fire Rescue Long Range Master Plan was an item of discussion at Monday night’s Sheridan City Council study session. Fire Chief...
SkyWest Airlines currently provides two flights daily between Sheridan and Denver, and two return flights between Denver and Sheridan. Two of those flight times will change...
The Buffalo City Council has approved Mayor Shane Schrader’s recommendation for appointment to the Buffalo-Johnson Recycling Center Joint Powers Board. Mayor Schrader explained there was a...
At their last regular meeting, Sheridan County’s Commissioners considered ratifying an agreement between the county and the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) for signage to be...
The Brinton Museum in Big Horn, Wyoming presents its 20th Illustrator Show featuring Apsáalooke/Crow artist Linda Pease from Billings, Montana. The Brinton Museum’s first exhibition of...
Several topics were discussed at the recent SCSD#2 Sheridan Central Education Association and teacher roundtable, which was held Monday, Jan 27. Devon Johnston, SJHS Language Arts...
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is alerting hunters the Wyoming Super Tag raffle deadline is quickly approaching. The Super Tag raffle gives hunters an additional...
Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter Cat Lead Sue Johnson and owner and operator of the Unleashed Foundation Marian Eccles made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public...
Distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts attention from driving. This includes talking or texting on a cell phone, eating and drinking, talking to...
Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon’s plan to have the state help with wildfire restoration and recovery might not go the way he envisioned it. As part of...