Video highlights of the double-header played at Thorne-Rider Stadium in Sheridan. Game 10:00 – 0:09 Top 1 – Dalton Nelson (Sheridan) strikes out Samson Wagner (Casper)0:10...
City of Sheridan
Wyoming Game & Fish / The Hub on Smith
Wyoming Highway Patrol / Sheridan Community Land Trust
Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to record this show.
Sheridan Pride Day took place on Saturday, June 5, 2021. The day started with a Pride Parade, which started on North Main Street in the Wells...
The Bots Sots Remount sale took place on June 5, at the historic Trail End State Historic Site. The sale takes place to bring together horses...
Open Line
Although tourists, visitors and adventure seekers are advised to keep their distance from wild animals, there is a way to see how someone can stand up...
Now that ranchers are trying to move forward from the COVID pandemic, they have a much hotter and dryer issue to deal with. The most recent...
Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) issued a statement after Governor Mark Gordon announced that TerraPower will construct and operate a nuclear power plant in Wyoming: “This is an...
YMCA / WYO Theater
Sheridan Police Department / Johnson County Commissioners
View photos of the Chamber of Commerce’s “Business Before Hours,” which was held at Whitney Benefits. Photos by Mallary Bumbaca