State Representative Marilyn Connolly (HD-40), in her weekly update from this year’s legislative session, talked about what has been happening in the House of Representatives during...
The Meadowlark Elementary Principal Interview Committee has made a recommendation to Johnson County School District #1 Superintendent Charles Auzqui, choosing John Corbin to be the next...
State Senate President Bo Biteman (SD-21) spoke with Sheridan Media again this week, touching on a scholarship currently assigned to a joint conference committee, and what...
State Senate President Bo Biteman (SD-21) spoke with Sheridan Media again this week, and discussed SF0069, the Property Tax Exemption Bill, which has been assigned to...
Buffalo’s City Council, at their recent meeting, discussed Ordinance No. 1421. The Ordinance, according to Mayor Shane Schrader, will amend city code concerning animals. Thecouncil voted...
The Sheridan County Conservation District (SCCD) has been awarded authorization to access Tongue River at Kleenburn Road Recreational Picnic Area to conduct water quality monitoring in...
Buffalo City Works Director Kevin Silbernagel, in his report to the council at their meeting this week, said the city had been awarded over a million...
During their regular meeting this week, the Johnson County Commission voted to approve the appointments to two county boards. Commission Chairman Bill Novotny explained who was...
Sheridan County’s Commissioners have ratified a Letter of Support for the Sheridan Area Water System Joint Powers Board (SAWSJPB) in their application for funding for a...
The Wyoming Department of Transportation’s (WYDOT) Buffalo Main Street Reconstruction Project will be getting underway again this spring, and they want to inform the public of...
At their regular meeting Tuesday morning, the Johnson County Commission approved a Resolution to accept funding for a celebration and form a county Semiquincentennial Committee. Commission...
State Senate President Bo Biteman (SD-21) in his talk with Sheridan Media this week, discussed changes he has seen in the Senate this year as opposed...
Johnson County’s Commissioners, at their regular meeting Tuesday, set their allocation for the One Percent Committee for 2025. The commission considered setting this year’s allocation to...
Sheridan County’s Commissioners, during their Consent Agenda portion of their regular meeting Tuesday, ratified a Letter of Support for the Sheridan County Mosquito Management Program. According...
Buffalo’s City Council, at their regular meeting Tuesday evening, voted to continue a decision on the allocation on city funds to the One-Percent Committee. Councilman Scott...