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SCLT Black Diamond Trail Tour on Nov. 8

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On November 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. beginning at The Hub on Smith, the Sheridan Community Land Trust and The Hub will host the next Explore History program, the Black Diamond Trail bus tour. This year is the 10-year anniversary of the tour.

This tour will go through the physical remnants of the once vibrant mining communities of Dietz, Acme, Carneyville (later called Kleenburn), Monarch and Kooi where you’ll learn about and observe evidence of the past coal mining booms of Sheridan County.

Touring the Black Diamond Trail is a way to learn about Sheridan County’s mining heritage. The Travel Story GPS app audio tour tells the story of those who lived and worked in the historic coal mining towns just north of Sheridan during the early 20th century.

Signage along the Trail Vannoy photo

At each stop the tour will take in the views of a few of the remnants at the old coal sites. The bus tour is limited to 11 participants. However, participants can follow in their own vehicles if the bus is full. To RSVP for the bus tour please contact Amanda Munford, The Hub on Smith Fun and Wellness Coordinator, at 307-675-4952. There is a suggested donation to Goose Creek Transportation $8.00, payable at tour time.

If the driving tour is canceled due to weather the Black Diamond Trail virtual tour will be shown in The Hub on Smith Cafe.

Signage near site of Acme (Vannoy Photo)

Explore History programs will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at The Hub on Smith at 10:30 a.m. The Hub invites attendees to join them for lunch after the program’s conclusion.

Explore History is a collaboration between The Hub on Smith and Sheridan Community Land Trust and has been made possible thanks to the generous support of The NextFifty Initiative.

On Nov 15th at TRVCC in Dayton, as a part of the 10-year anniversary celebration of the Black Diamond Trail, Carri Edinger, SCLT historical program manager, will share recent updates to the Black Diamond Trail driving tour as well as the history of the historic mine trail that was established in 2012. 

For more information go to the webpage

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