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Sheridan Lady Hawks Amateur Hockey Team Preparing To Defend Their Title At State Tournament

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Kevin Koile - Sheridan Media

The Sheridan Lady Hawks Amateur team is about to find out if it really is more difficult to defend a championship, than it is to win it.

The team heads to Pinedale for the girls state tournament to be played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (March 7th, 8th and 9th).

Sheridan’s lone loss of the season was at Pinedale, and the team chalks that up to being fatigued after playing and some traveling earlier that day.

Alyssa Biteman is a freshman from Tongue River High School and was the heroine in last year’s state championship game.

She explains what the team’s strategy is for the post-season and what’s been working this year.

“We’re going to come in, we’re not going to be too cocky, we’re just going to be in the right heads. We’re going to be good teammates to each other and we’re just ready. We’re ready to win. We’re going to not be distracted and if we not do very good in a period, we’re going to get it together and we’re going to pull this off. We have a lot of talent on this team. We’ve gotten a lot of new girls on the roster this year, which has been awesome. Meeting new teammates, building special bonds and just great coaching.”

According to Lady Hawk Head Coach Jay Charlebois, the state tournament is a 4-team round robin event, with all teams playing once on Friday and twice on Saturday.

The top 2 teams come back on Sunday to play for the state championship.

The other 3 teams at the state tournament are Pinedale, Jackson and Cheyenne, all of which the Lady Hawks played on the road this season.

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