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May Lawson Of Sheridan HS Signs NLI To Ride For Equestrian Team At Dartmouth College

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Kevin Koile - Sheridan Media

A Sheridan High School horse rider who grew up in the west, will soon head to the east side of the US, to ride in the English style.

May Lawson has signed her National Letter Of Intent to join the equestrian team at Dartmouth College.

She started training for equestrian events about 4 years ago at Colts Unlimited, which is about 6-7 miles southwest of Sheridan.

Her skill alone was not enough to get on the team.

Dartmouth College is an Ivy League school located in Hanover, New Hampshire, thus Lawson first had to have the grades and the test scores, just to get accepted into the school.

She says she can’t imagine life without riding, and explains what equestrian entails.

“There are different types. A flat course and then also over fences, which is jumping over different courses and it’s mostly about equitation, which is how the rider really works with the horse and can make the horse react and go over courses.”

Lawson adds she is considering a major in medical biology.


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