Second Annual Cloud Peak Classic To Take Place In April 2022

Muscle men and women will soon converge in Sheridan to flex and show how much power they have in their arms and legs.
The 2nd annual Cloud Peak Classic will take place on Saturday, April 23rd and the Wyo Theater in downtown Sheridan.
This event is sanctioned by the National Physique Committee and is open to any participant who has a desire to step on stage regardless of experience.
Any competitor who places in the top 2 in their open class will be qualified to go to an NPC national show and compete for a chance to become a pro bodybuilder with the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness.
Organizers say last year’s event went well and Sheridan is now the 2nd Wyoming city to host such a competition.
Cheyenne hosts a similar event in the fall.
Click here for more information on how to register.