School Board Defeats Changing Size of Board

The subject of board reorganization was discussed and ultimately defeated by vote of the Johnson County School Board at their meeting this week.
The reorganization would consist of bringing the number of board members from the current nine members down to seven.
The idea was suggested by Sue Belish with the Wyoming Department of Education during board training attended by the members of JCSD1.
Board member Margo Sabec said she was not in favor of reducing the size of the board because in her opinion it would negatively affect the rural community.
Another concern discussed was the potential cost of the proposed changes if approved.
According to discussions, the board has been set at nine members since the multiple school districts in the county were combined into one, to try to have as much representation throughout the county as possible.
The board voted down a motion to set the board at seven members, but the issue can be brought up again in the future should someone on the board choose to do so.