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Masks Still Topic at SCSD#2 Board Meeting

Masks were again a topic at the monthly SCSD#2 meeting on Monday at 6 pm.
Around 24 people attended the meeting, and only a few community members who had signed up in advance were allowed to speak.
“These meetings are not just for the public.” Chairman Sue Wilson stated. “We, on the school board, serve because we care about providing quality education.”
Masks were required at the meeting so all were masked.
The first speaker was Dr. Rev. Sheila Naismith of Sheridan’s First Congregational Church.
“It is very strange to me that I would come out this evening, because our church is known for protection of liberty and social justice,” Naismith stated. “However, the call comes. Protect the innocent. I am sure that is what everyone here wants to do.”
The next speaker was Rob Milne, Assistant professor at Sheridan College, who said, “leadership is making decisions that are not always popular. We know masks slow transmission of the virus. They are one of many layers of protection.
Several other parents spoke out against masking, and a petition signed by 124 people was presented to the board, asking them to step down.
Superintendent Stults reported that it was the two week update on Covid-19, and that Sheridan County is still in the red zone for Covid. Over the weekend there were 74 active cases, he said. “Dr Hunter is still suggesting the mandate. Over 1000 students in Laramie were quarantined. SCSD#2 currently has 65 students out. We will continue to update the board based on medical options.”
Troy Decker reported that “Students and staff are settling into the Schiffer school.” Chairman Wilson added that the Schiffer School is “Amazing.”
Mitch Craft, Assistant Superintendent, gave an update on funding, and thanked the generous donors for the school. He also showed some slides on how the SCSD#2 students ranked in the state assessment tests. SCSD #2 students scored well. “We celebrate the work our teachers are doing. I’m very proud of our teachers.”
Stults said that enrollment is close to what it was last year at this time.
Stults also felt that students were happy to be back in school
“Our teachers continue to focus on the students.” He said.
Stults also introduced George Estrada, who is the new graduation coach for SCSD#2.

Meeting was adjourned into executive session at 7:30, and Chairman Wilson thanked officer Ben Hawkins, of the Sheridan Police Department, for being at the meeting should anyone create a disturbance.

Thomas Jones
September 14, 2021 at 4:07 pm
I sure wish the other five board members would reply to my email regarding the CRT. Thank you to the two that did. So you have to sign up in advance to speak? Good grief!