Sheridan County School District 1 and 2 and Johnson County School District Show Good Test Scores, But Some Need Improvement

Despite some ups and down in various categories and grade levels, recent results from the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WYTOPP) for students that tested as proficient or advanced in 3rd through 10th graders, are above state average in Sheridan County School Districts 1 and 2, and all but three categories in the Johnson County School District.
Students were tested in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, while 4th, 8th, and 10th graders, had an additional test in science.
Sheridan County School District #2: (All percentage numbers in this story are shown regardless of race, gender, income level, home or virtual schooled, etc…)
Comparing test results from the 2018-19 school year (then), vs. the 2020-21 school year (now), shows all eight grade levels in ELA, Math and Science were above state average in terms of percentage scores, but a lot of numbers dropped between then and now, in particular grades 6, 7, and 8.
Every grade level except for 9th, dropped an average of 4.10 percentage points in ELA, while 9th grade was up 2.32%.
The biggest drop was in 7th grade which was down 7.17%, while 6th grade wasn’t far behind at 6.71%.
Math percentage scores were up in grades 3, 5, and 9 and down in the other grades.
The biggest of note was 7th grade, which was down 11.33%, while 9th grade was up 3.95%.
Science percentage scores for 4th, 8th and 10th grades were down by an average of 4.14%.
Sheridan County School District #1: (All percentage numbers in this story are shown regardless of race, gender, income level, home or virtual schooled, etc…)
Comparing test results from the 2018-19 school year (then), vs. the 2020-21 school year (now), shows all eight grade levels in ELA, Math and Science were above state average, but 3rd, 4th and 6th grades were down in every category, while 10th grade had the biggest improvement.
In ELA, grades 3 through 7 percentage scores were down an average of 4.76%, while grades 8-10 were up.
The biggest change in numbers was 9th grade (up 12.18%), 10th grade (up 12.05%) and 3rd grade (down 7.24%).
Math-wise, percentage scores in grades 5, 7, 8 and 10 were up, while 3, 4, 6, and 9 were down.
The 10th grade was up 16.54%, while 7th grade was down 8.79%.
In science, 4th grade was down 11.18%, while 8th grade was up 2.15% and 10th grade was up 13.75%.
Sheridan County School District #3:
It’s hard to tell what kind of a difference there is, because in some grades between and now, the tests were either not administered, or there was no one at a specific grade level to take the tests.
Johnson County School District: (All percentage numbers in this story are shown regardless of race, gender, income level, home or virtual schooled, etc…)
Comparing test results from the 2018-19 school year (then), vs. the 2020-21 school year (now), shows three grade levels are below state average (two of the three were above then), five grade levels have moved from below state average to above state average, while the rest were above state average between then and now.
The 3rd grade took the biggest hit between then and now, while the 8th grade had the best overall increase.
In ELA, the 3rd grade level dropped 19%, and is now just below the state average.
Elsewhere, 6th grade ELA was and still is below the state average, while 4th and 8th grades were below state average then and are above state average now.
The 8th grade had the biggest increase at 12.6%.
In math, percentage scores for grades 4, 5, 8 and 9 were up, while grades 3, 6, 7 and 10 were down.
The 3rd grade was down 17.29%, but is still above the state average, while the 10th grade was down 12.65% and is now below the state average.
The 6th grade dropped 11.82% and is barely above the state average.
The 8th grade was up 10.10%.
The 4th and 9th grades are now above the state average.
Science percentage numbers were up 1.76% in 4th grade, up 8.54% in 8th grade and down 1.99% in 10th grade.
Click here to see more detailed numbers for all school districts and state-wide numbers.