Novotny Enters ‘Not Guilty’ Plea, Scheduling Conference Set

An attorney for Johnson County Commissioner William J. Novotny III has entered a plea of “not guilty” on his behalf in connection with a DWUI and other charges stemming from his arrest on July 18th.
Christopher M. Wages, Attorney for the defendant, filed papers with Johnson County Circuit Court on July 20th, entering a plea of “not guilty” on behalf of Novotny.
A Scheduling Order has also been drawn, which sets a Scheduling Conference on September 20th at 9am in Johnson County Circuit Court.
Prior to the Scheduling Conference, the defendant and counsel can (1) enter a plea agreement or enter a motion for a plea hearing, (2)file a motion for a continuation of the Scheduling Conference, (3) file a motion to dismiss the charges, or (4) file a motion for a trial setting.
Novotny was arrested in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 18th for DWUI, reckless driving, fleeing or attempting to elude police, and open container in a moving vehicle.
He was taken to the Johnson County Detention Center and released later that day on his own recognizance/unsecured $1,500 bond.
According to the Circuit Court, it is common for local residents with no priors on their record to be released with an unsecured bond.

Paul Huson
August 2, 2021 at 6:54 pm
There is a good example of integrity. (I say this sarcastically) He commits the crimes, endangers the public and pleads not guilty. He needs to have the book thrown at him and step down immediately from office.
edward capp
August 3, 2021 at 8:43 am
Everyone pleads not guilty at their initial appearance.
What is it like to be perfect, Paul?
August 3, 2021 at 10:13 am
there is a big difference between being ‘imperfect’ and just plain reckless and dumb
Paul Huson
August 4, 2021 at 6:38 am
People who we elect as leaders are elected because they have the moral, character and ability qualifications. Edward Capps snarky comment is stupid and unnecessary. Novotny put the people he is supposed to be representing in harms way. He violated the public trust and needs to step down.
edward capp
August 4, 2021 at 8:36 am
Paul, you are condemning him even before trial. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you have a personal vendetta against him.
Paul Huson
August 4, 2021 at 9:53 pm
I haven’t condemned him. The facts from the arrest are clear, including his BAC, driving down the wrong direction on the interstate, attempting to allude law enforcement. I am sure he will enter a plea with some of the charges being dropped. I have no vendetta against him. So you are wrong on that one.
August 3, 2021 at 6:56 am
Lets hope the arresting office had a bodycam
Sandi Bidonde
August 18, 2021 at 5:26 am
Anyone in Johnson or Sheridan Counties can get a DUI and it is just unfortunate, but they are held accountable for the poor choice they made. However, he is a elected official that demonstrated extremely poor judgement to drive on the wrong side of the interstate placing others lives at risk. Then instead of stopping when police attempted to pull him over, he tries to evade them. So if he makes this poor of a decision in his personal life, what poor decisions does he make for Johnson County. Most DUIs pull over when the police turn the lights on. Mr. Novotny has shown disrespect for the police, the law, and the people of Johnson County. He should step down as a County Commissioner and face his charges like a man. Not hide behind his position or name.