Sheridan WYO Rodeo 2022 Royalty Crowned

With the 2021 Sheridan WYO Rodeo upon us, it’s time for this year’s rodeo royalty to represent, and for next year’s royalty to learn the ropes.
The 2022 Rodeo Royalty will be:
Reata Cook – Queen
Lainey Konetzki – Senior Princess
Paige Craft – Princess
Vivian Morey – Princess
Normally there is a junior princess, but since no one entered that part of the pageant competition, two princesses were chosen instead.
Under their titles, rodeo queens and princesses serve as role models to all young ladies, regardless if they grew up in the western lifestyle.
They are ambassadors to the sport of rodeo, the local sponsoring rodeo and the community.
Rodeo queens and princesses are also an educator of the sport of rodeo and western lifestyle.