Gillette College proposal to go to voters

A proposal to create a separate Gillette College district will probably go to Campbell County voters in August.
That’s according to Campbell County Commissioner Rusty Bell, one of the proponents of separating Gillette College from the Northern Wyoming Community College District.
That’s contingent upon Governor Mark Gordon signing off on the bill, which went to his desk last week after passing both houses of Wyoming’s Legislature. Once the bill receives the governor’s OK, Bell said the measure goes to the Campbell County clerk, who will set the election date and open advertising for the seven people who would make up the new college district’s board of trustees.
Under Wyoming statute, elections must be set on the second Tuesday of the month in May, August or November. In accordance with Wyoming statute, Campbell County voters will be asked to approve formation of a separate college district with authority to tax up to 4 mills to fund the institution and, in the same election, will vote for the seven trustees.
Bell said there’s been a lot of conversation about the new college district and a lot of the people he’s talked to are excited about the opportunity.
Gillette College was formed in 1969 as part of the Northern Wyoming Community College District. The college district is operated by a board of trustees elected from within Sheridan County by Sheridan County residents. Bell said there’s a feeling that it’s time for Campbell County to make its own decisions about Gillette College.

Jerry E Treadwell
April 11, 2021 at 6:47 am
I live in Campbell county and one thing I am not excited about as Rusty Bell would say is a new tax we pay enough in tax if Rusty Bell wants his own little private college and have Rusty Bell and his cohorts funded themselves I’m tired of being stiffed with a bill
Jerry E Treadwell
April 11, 2021 at 6:49 am
Well Rusty Bell may be real excited about his own little private college for him and his cohorts but I for one am not how about Rusty Bell go ahead and finance the additional tax himself we’ve got plenty of things to spend money on instead of wasting it on something that we don’t need. But once again the dimwits that run Campbell county they don’t care about what the people actually think they talk to the people that will agree with them and then they run around and say oh everybody’s really excited does this sound like I’m real excited about the project there Rusty bell?