A Look Back in Time: March 6, 1921

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on March 6, 1921.
Miss Emma Mankameyer and Harold Johnson, both of Sheridan, narrowly escaped death by drowning, and their companions suffered exposure from water and mud when the automobile in which they were riding skidded and overturned into the Big Goose Creek last night. The incident happened just south of the bridge on the Big Horn cement road three miles south of Sheridan.
Miss Miriam Jacobs entertained a group of her high school friends at her home on Tschirgi street last night in honor of her 17th birth anniversary.
Mrs. Janie Stephenson and son Clarence are making some extensive improvements to their ranch property north of Dayton, according to the Tongue River News of Ranchester.
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