Cowboy State Daily
Cheney on Capitol Attack: “It Is a Dangerous Moment For Our Country”
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney joined her colleagues on Wyoming’s congressional delegation in condemning the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, but she also took the opportunity to criticize President Donald Trump for creating the atmosphere that led to the attack.

This story first appeared on Cowboy State Daily
By Ellen Fike, Cowboy State Daily
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney joined her colleagues on Wyoming’s congressional delegation in condemning the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, but she also took the opportunity to criticize President Donald Trump for creating the atmosphere that led to the attack.
An undetermined number of people described as supporters of Trump breached the security measures in place around the Capitol on Wednesday as members of Congress discussed certifying the results of the Electoral College vote from November’s presidential election.
Cheney placed blame for the attack on Trump and said he failed to adequately address the situation once it got out of hand.
“It doesn’t matter what side of those issues you stand on,” Cheney said during an interview with NBC News on Wednesday afternoon. “The President of the United States’ statement now, in my view, was completely inadequate – what he has done and what he caused here is something that we’ve never seen before in our history.”
Cheney was referring to a short video Trump posted to Twitter earlier Wednesday after the invasion began in which he thanks the protesters for their support, but calls on them to “go home.”
Despite the sharp political differences seen in the country, violent actions are not the answer, Cheney said.
“We have very deep and clear political differences in this country, but we don’t resolve those differences by mob violence,” she said. “It has been 245 years and no president has ever failed to concede or agree to leave office after the Electoral College has voted.”
She added that Wednesday’s attack on the Capitol was a result of Trump’s continued insistence that he actually won November’s presidential election and that there was a conspiracy keeping him from being returning to the White House.
“I think what we’re seeing today is a result of that – a result of convincing people that somehow Congress was going to overturn the results of this election, a result of suggesting he wouldn’t leave office,” Cheney said. “Those are very, very dangerous things. This will be remembered and this will be part of his legacy, and it is a dangerous moment for our country.”
Trump said during a rally earlier Wednesday that he would “never concede.”
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Hardy Smith
January 7, 2021 at 10:14 am
Very appropriate to conclude the election was disputed and the judicial system shirked it’s duty to resolve the dispute.
Meshelle Cooper
January 7, 2021 at 11:53 am
You’ve certainly lost my support ; and any future votes from me.
Mitch Smith
January 7, 2021 at 12:04 pm
She isn’t even a Wyoming resident, can’t even buy a fishing pole and go fishing! Lol! Where were ya during the blm riots last summer? Didnt hear much from ya? RINO
Fred Osborn
January 7, 2021 at 1:06 pm
It was a dangerous moment when the current liar-in-chief was installed.
Annette Mitchell
January 7, 2021 at 5:34 pm
If you are unable to stand with President Trump, I will be unable to vote for you in the next election.
Harriett Oleson
January 8, 2021 at 8:46 am
If you still support Trump, then you support the thugs that invaded, destroyed and killed folks in the hallowed halls of the Capitol Building. They were wearing his hats, waving his flag and were incited to violence by him. Cheney has surprisingly shown herself to be a good legislator, a defender of the Constitution. She stood against the coup. When these “Proud Boys”, these radical right Qanon folks attempted to take over the US government in Trumps name. I am very proud I voted for her, even though I had my doubts when I did. I have been and voted Republican for over 50 years but I do not recognize or support this Trump party. Hopefully now, with Trump gone, the Republican Party, can reorganize, to become the Republican party as it was and should be.
Bucky Goldstein
January 8, 2021 at 9:05 am
Cheney is just like her old man…..out for one thing and one thing only-personal gain. It’s time to get a REAL conservative (and WYO native) in her seat. WY and MT are being over run by rich carpet baggers who get elected with dark money marketing campaigns. Enough is enough. TERM LIMITS!