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Statement from Governor Gordon on Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit

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CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has issued the following statement addressing Wyoming’s involvement in a lawsuit filed by the Texas attorney general against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 

I strongly support the Supreme Court hearing the Constitutional issue of the Electors Clause raised by Texas in their petition. President Trump has the right to bring electoral issues for resolution in the US judicial system. I, along with Wyoming voters, overwhelmingly supported President Trump through our electoral process. As Governor, my sworn duty is to protect the right of Wyoming citizens to vote. I also agree that States must follow laws passed by their legislature concerning elections. I could not be more proud of Wyoming’s electoral process, both in terms of security and the ability for Wyomingites to cast their vote.

We were not informed nor asked by Texas to consider joining their suit. The State of Texas’s filing was more than 150 pages and there was inadequate time to properly consider the ramifications of joining the motion specifically, or to thoughtfully consider joining the supporting states’ brief before it was filed. I asked the Attorney General to look into the case and consider possible actions the State of Wyoming might take. General Hill did this, and after significant consideration we believe that the case could have unintended consequences relating to a constitutional principle that the State of Wyoming holds dear – that States are sovereign, free to govern themselves.

Should the Supreme Court grant Texas’s motion, we will weigh in a manner that is suitable and appropriate for the issues raised. As always, I will make sure Wyoming’s interests are protected.

Statement from Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Buchanan:

“I support the State of Texas in its quest to ensure that elections are conducted in accordance with the constitution and state law. Our judiciary is the proper place to raise these issues.”



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    Ron Howard

    December 10, 2020 at 8:28 pm

    Incredibly disappointed in our state’s position on this issue. If our leaders were truly concerned with the legitimacy of the voting process they would not support a lawsuit solely aimed at overturning key swing states. There isn’t one state included in this lawsuit which could turn in Joe Biden’s favor, and is a poorly veiled attempt to cause further social disruption after more than 50 different legal cases have turned up zero evidence of election fraud. Regardless of who won, these legal battles are an international embarrassment and a make a mockery of the US’s democratic process. After supporting both of these men, after this statement I will not be voting to reelect either of them. Again, incredibly disappointed.

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    Charles Cole

    December 10, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    So, 154 pages were too much for these people to digest? I read the entire lawsuit in just over an hour. And what possible “unintended consequences” could there possibly be in upholding Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution which grants plenary power to each state’s LEGISLATURE to make election law? Is that not what we do here in Wyoming? Well, if the good governor would have taken the one hour needed to read this case, he would have seen that such is precisely what the Texas cause of action if based on! I have a feeling that his non-decision decision isn’t going to sit well with constitutional conservatives in this state. It sure doesn’t with me!

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    ray olson

    December 11, 2020 at 7:14 am

    So states rights are paramount- but Texas has the right to interfere with Wyoming’s election if they don’t like the result. I would really appreciate a more lucid explanation of this idiocy (though I doubt if one is possible) from here it looks like the ultimate expression of classic Jim Crow.

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      Charles Cole

      December 11, 2020 at 11:04 am

      Well, since you asked. Texas et al aren’t “interfering” in any other state’s election. What these patriots are doing is asking the USSC to apply the LAW (specifically, in this case, Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution) to the documented FACTS emanating from the four defendant states. If any of you would take time to download the available .pdf file of this case and just read the first 15 pages, you would see the very cogent, germane, and relevant arguments brilliantly presented by the Texas AG. Each of the defendant states has clearly and irrefutably violated the aforementioned section of the Constitution. The clear meaning of the text thereof specifies that it is the plenary (i.e. exclusive) right of each state’s LEGISLATURE to make (and thus amend or otherwise change) their state’s election laws. It is NOT the purvey of a governor, or secretary of state, or any county election official, or any state court (even, as in PA, that state’s supreme court) to change the election law without the required state legislative action. And this clear and obvious violation is precisely what happened in PA, MI, WI, and GA. By doing so, the aforementioned state officials also violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution by implementing disparate treatment of various voters (e.g. those who voted in person or by authorized absentee ballot versus the massive numbers of “mail in” voters whose “ballots” are STILL being counted) as to time and place of voting and counting said votes, signature validation requirements, and many others. It is beyond credulity that anyone could possibly claim that Wyoming’s (or any other state’s) sovereign rights are negatively affected by our legal system’s insisting that each state in the union follow the LAW. And, as to the inane argument that “no evidence of fraud” has been forthcoming in this election is beyond irresponsible. I spent many, many hours on You Tube watching the live and unedited hearings conducted by the state legislatures of PA, MI, AZ, and GA and in each of them DOZENS of eyewitnesses gave pertinent sworn testimony (under penalty of perjury) as to multiple instances of fraudulent counting of ballots and other irregularities. Such testimony was also corroborated by HUNDREDS of similarly sworn written affidavits from other witnesses. The left has claimed that there is no evidence of “massive” fraud. They’re right. There is, however, abundant, credible evidence of TARGETED fraud carried out in the defendant states to this lawsuit. Those efforts were targeted at the swing states which the Democrat Party knew full well would decide this election. The reason more of the public hasn’t seen the evidence is that the very courts to which one poster here referred as having thrown out various other lawsuits is twofold: (1) the media consistently refuse to cover any hearings or other fora in which such evidence is presented; and (2) the judges in these courts have arbitrarily decided that such evidence doesn’t comport with their specific reading of or (non)application of the law as written. It is lamentably possible that the justices of the USSC may well take a pass on doing their constitutional duty for fear that, as has happened in places like Detroit, certain radical societal groups know where they live and where their children go to school. That is a very sad commentary on life in the America in which we find ourselves, but there is absolutely NO valid legal reason that any judge (including these 9 USSC justices) would fail to apply the unambiguous portions of the Constitution to this situation. If Texas fails in this effort, the integrity of every election for federal office will be tainted and compromised, likely forever.

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        Cindy Livingston

        December 11, 2020 at 11:56 am

        Well written, Charles Cole. The “results” are really immaterial, the issue is that by allowing the rule of law to be tossed aside and look the other way while the integrity of American election process is tainted is wrong and is a very dangerous precedent to allow to be set. If this fraud is not addressed harshly, the next election will bring more fraud and America will be vulnerable to being taken over by foreign powers. What is at stake here is America and the rights that we hold dear like every eligible citizen having a say in their governance.

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        ray olson

        December 11, 2020 at 2:43 pm

        And the fact that it is districts that are majority people of color are the subjects of this joke law suit doesn’t seem at least awkward to you. Jim Crow, as I mentioned earlier, is clearly alive and well- even in the equality state.

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          Thomas Jones

          December 11, 2020 at 8:45 pm

          Are you implying that its OK for these districts to also be disenfranchised as long as the results are favorable to you ray? Or are you suggesting that ‘people of color’ stereotypically vote for only one party? That would be the Jim Crow way, ray.

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        Bryan Miller

        December 11, 2020 at 4:26 pm

        Well said Charles.
        It is, in my humble opinion, this lack of commitment to defending the US and Wyoming Constitutions that is all too often demonstrated by our top leadership that continues to vex our state. We, the citizens of Wyoming have every right to have our vote count the same as every other state in a Presidential Election. By “allowing” individuals, many not elected to change the rules that these state’s legislatures had set in place in the middle of an election, our vote as individuals and as a sovereign state are greatly diminished. The US Supreme Court has seen it fitting to take this case up, yet our leadership is reluctant to join in. Why? Here is my thought after working the better part of the last decade to ensure integrity is maintained in our own election processes in Wyoming.
        This reluctance I chalk up to fear. A “feeling” that seems to be the driving theme in Cheyenne and across the nation at the moment. I point to our Governor and his AG continually taking actions over the past year that appear to be go-along-to-get-along way of not making waves outside the state. We know why that is of course, because many of our top electeds and those who work in state government and county government positions have openly stated we need to go-along or we’ll miss out on federal funding opportunities. Seriously, Cash over Constitution…Expediency over Integrity…!
        But that’s only a part of the reason this move to avoid an election integrity issue does not surprise me. Our top leadership in Wyoming for years now has fought any legislative attempts to maintain, much less improve, the level of integrity in our own election process as more and more out-of-state money and political influence invade Wyoming. Both of the “Major Political Party’s” in the state have publicly recognized the loss of local influence on who gets elected in our elections whether they be at the state, county or municipal level. Bill after bill has been introduced that would go far to maintain electoral integrity.
        Unfortunately, a quick review of the legislation introduced shows it always fails to get passed. The “why” varies but it is always a combination of the actions taken by our most recent governors, their attorney’s general, and the few who have controlled the leadership positions in our Wyoming House and Senate. That review would show that they have worked outwardly and behind the scenes to kill every attempt at any legislation addressing four specific election integrity issues: The need for voter ID requirements, stopping cross-over voting in our Party Primaries, prosecuting voter and organizational election fraud, or allowing either Major Party the ability to effectively scrutinize the background of any candidates running under their brand going into a Party Primary.
        Each of these issues are currently enabled by Wyoming State Statutes, legislation passed by legislators of the past some likely with the greatest of intentions, that has absolutely had “unintended consequences” within the State of Wyoming. Those statutes have allowed those who gain public office to stay in their positions by making it difficult for anyone who does not have a big bankroll to have an equal chance of making it through a Primary election in Wyoming.
        The failures by our recent past leaders to address election integrity issues here in Wyoming are about to be promulgated at the national level being legitimized by not challenging them. Any state that does not join the State of Texas filing is just asking to be controlled by a few who “CHEAT” to get their way. Beyond the fear of a loss of funding and the lack of addressing local election integrity issues, our governor stating, he “was not asked by Texas to consider joining their suit” is laughable to me. A cop out of major proportions considering the Constitutional repercussions we can expect to see long into the future when one accepts cheating as just a thing that happens in politics.
        Bottom line, I ask Governor Gordon and Attorney General Hill to do the right thing and defend Wyoming, defend the Constitution, and defend their constituents regardless of their personal fears. In this case, lead Wyoming like a military commander into this battle for election integrity. And we stand behind you on this issue!
        V/r Bryan Miller
        and the dozens of those who have called and written me across the state.

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        Daniel J. Marlin

        December 11, 2020 at 8:04 pm

        This is full of misinformation and patent untruths. The purported ‘abundant evidence’ tends to be nonsense. The arguments meretricious in the extreme, the bland claim at the end about every election being tainted applies more to the vicious attack on our electoral system by a deranged and incompetent criminal with a severe and obvious mental impairment. This, while gorgeously written, is, ultimately, more authoritarian minded nonsense.

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      mark steingass

      December 11, 2020 at 2:41 pm

      Ray,…It’s because the US Supreme Court in the past time and time again discourages states from suing other states…this is all just dust in the wind

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        ray olson

        December 11, 2020 at 4:54 pm

        Yes- this time it’s moot- but does it create a future path for competent autocrats?

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    Robert Ratty

    December 11, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Wonderful. Why then is our state representative Liz Chaney supporting the Texas lawsuit?

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      Dean Seever

      December 11, 2020 at 8:29 am

      Because she doesn’t care about Wyoming. She wasn’t born here and only bought property here so she could hold office because she knew that if she ran she could win because of her last name.

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      Thomas Jones

      December 11, 2020 at 8:54 am

      Interesting since I’ve never read anything that said she supported it. What she has stated is that President Trump should concede the election. Odd that she would support the TX suit. But I am more than happy to join you in voting Mz Cheney out of office. Its obvious that she supports special interests over WY citizens. Anyone know the last time she visited Sheridan to meet with her constituents? Neither do I.

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    Robert Ratty

    December 11, 2020 at 7:31 am

    Excuse me: Liz Cheney

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    Thomas Jones

    December 11, 2020 at 8:47 am

    I watched the GA, MI, AZ, and PA hearings where hundreds of people signed affidavits attesting to voter fraud. I viewed the CCTV video of the Atlanta State farm arena where GOP observers and a FOX news crew were told to leave due to a water main break that never happened. That’s when the ballot stuffing began. Don’t take my word for it as all of these vids are on youtube for you to watch. These witnesses put their lives on the line to expose voter fraud, and now our gov has thrown them under the bus. Shame on you Mr. Gordon.

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    Robert Ratty

    December 11, 2020 at 9:20 am

    I have no real interest with Ms Cheney. She has not shown much concern for my personal views. However it was reported this day on Fox that Ms Cheney has supported the Texas suit. Why not our own Governer, who, to me, has avoided constitutional responsibility.

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    Robert Ratty

    December 11, 2020 at 11:42 am

    Thank you Mr. Cole. You have just provided the response I have hoped for. There is an absolute necessity this case is argued before USSC. I stand by your comments completely.

    Why not Governor Gordon and the Wyoming A.G.?

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      Mike Kuzara

      December 11, 2020 at 6:57 pm

      Two items: It seems Gov. Gordon may have some fear about this lawsuit opening the door to weakening States Rights. I think the fear is unfounded, but that’s my take on that issue.
      #2 winch is the real concern for me, and has not been mentioned here, is that the “lawmakers” in Pennsylvania violated their own Constitution’s law which is more complicated than that of many other states, but boils down to this: Pennsylvania, Constitution emphatically states that the final step in changing the election law is that it must be taken before the voters. This was arrogantly ignored and I cannot imagine how the voters in Pennsylvania arm not, themselves, up in arms about how a cabal of Leftist judges and legislators ran rough shod over voters rights.

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    mark steingass

    December 11, 2020 at 11:47 am

    unnecessary drama…the US Supreme Court will uphold states rights to conduct their own elections…just like the State Supreme courts did…just a waste of time and air for a lame duck president who has an ego problem

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    Mitch Smith

    December 11, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    This should surprise us? Lol!

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    Robert Ratty

    December 11, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    Ms. Livingston: your comment is also spot on. Thank you. It is the constitution and nothing to do with any “lame duck”. It is future elections.

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    Daniel J. Marlin

    December 11, 2020 at 7:55 pm

    The Texas suit is part of a larger attack on American Democracy and the institutions that sustain and support that Democracy. I do not endorse treason, nor should the state of Wyoming. Mr. Buchanan endorses an obvious, unapologetic authoritarian minded TV personality and known draft dodger. This conduct is to be censured.

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