A Look Back in Time: Sept. 19, 1920

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on Sept. 19, 1920.
License for marriage was issued in Sheridan this morning to Harold L. Denson of Pinto, Mont., and Mary M. Campbell, daughter of David A. Campbell. The bridegroom is 20 years old, while the bride’s age was given at 16.
Children of the Christian church were guests of singing Evangelist Cassidy at a picnic in Pioneer park this afternoon.
Sheridan High School faculty members, city school Superintendent J. J. Early and their families are enjoying an all-day picnic today at Absaraka Park.
A representative of one of the largest fur houses in New York will be at Bloom’s in Sheridan tomorrow with a $50,000 stock of ladies’ fur coats and fur pieces in all the latest styles.