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The Season May Be Over, but the Energy still Exploded

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Would you like to go to Jamaica or Barbados where sports-goers like to watch some exhilarating polo?  Actually, the only trip to plan is just around the corner to the Big Horn Equestrian Center.  The thirty-second Don King Days on Sunday, September 6th, had an open invitation for all to enjoy wrapping up the season of polo, steer roping, and bronc riding along with taking picnics or enjoying the vendors’ enticing edibles.  Cecile Pattison, director, said, “We are thankful to be able to put on the event this year.”  She did not know how the numbers of participants and spectators would be different than last year due to Covid-19; she just wanted people to come “if they are comfortable.”  She also said she respected the people’s choice to not come.  She was glad there would be a variety of vendors and food, and she encouraged bringing picnics and tailgating.

Sandra and David Beyrer were not going to let anything stop them from coming to Don King Days to watch their granddaughter play in Margarita Polo.  They are from Florida where they watch their young grandchildren play polo cross on a smaller field and they travel to many places such as Huston, Texas for a match or two as well.  Sandra said, “I love Sheridan.  It’s so friendly.  I feel like I am home.”  

Karen Reese “put a little English on it” as she scored the first goal for the Prima Ponies in the Henry Burgess Memorial Match.  When Reese isn’t on the field playing polo, she is training horses for the sport.  Tap Dance is six years old and is playing for the first year.  Reese said it is hard to let the horses go, but once they are ready, they are sold.  “Don Kings Days is a cool culmination to my training program”.

The final polo match was between the Minnesota Big Horns and the Ole Hickory Bourbon teams.  Allison Connell has been cheering for her father, Oren Connell of the Minnesota Big Horns, since she was a baby.  She said Don King Days is “the Super Bowl of Big Horn Polo.  Everyone wants to win the buckle.” The excitement of this match more than doubled when the players and horses exuded energy and the match went into a sudden death overtime.  The crowd was thrilled with the 6 to 5 win by the Minnesota Big Horns.  Dede Connell is Allison’s mother and Oren’s wife.  She enjoys the hearty competition and said, “They played hard and clean and will be friends again.”  Polo is also all in the family for Peter Alworth who played for the Minnesota Big Horns.  He played in the 1990’s with his brother and this year with his son, Pierce, which made 2020 “one of a kind” for him.

Oren Connell has been playing polo for fifty years and said, “Polo is getting more fun.” His goal for next year is to sell all of his horses and buy a whole new crop. He and Tony Loquencia were paired and defended their title from last year.  Tony said, “We are honored to be able to play in such a coveted tournament.  It’s our U.S. Open.” 

It may be the beginning of September, but snow was predicted. Don King Days has been cancelled for Monday, September 7th.  Allison Connell reminds all of us to “Put it on your calendar for next year!”

Submitted by Meredith Brose

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