Geographic Center of the Nation is 200 Miles from Sheridan

Approximately 200 miles from Sheridan, in Belle Fourche, South Dakota, there is a sign that says, “Center of the Nation.” Following the signs brings one to a large monument, 21 feet across, constructed of South Dakota granite. There is a walking path lined with fifty state flags, and an information center and museum nearby. This is the geographic center of the United States.

Although the actual center is located some distance away on a private ranch, this monument near Belle Fouche is close to the actual center as determined by a Geodetic survey, is a precise method of surveying which takes into account the curvature of the earth. It is a way determining precise locations on earth.

Although today, the Center of the Nation in near Belle Fourche, the geographic center has changed over time, as new states were added. In 1922, according to this story in the Weston County Gazette, August 18, 1922,
Country’s Hub in Northern Kansas Geographic Center of United States Locate There by the Geodetic Survey. 1,000 Miles from Capital. Approximate Center of the Mainland of Each State Also Has Been Determined Because Many Persons Have Sought the Information. – Washington – Boston is often spoken of as the hub of the universe though it is not near the Center of the state of which it is the capital. The hub in this phase implies the claim that from Boston as a center intellectual spokes radiate to the utmost rim of the county’s wheel of refinement.
The only “hub” which is of general importance to a community is the center from which law or power radiates, – the city hall of a city; the county seat of the country – the capital of each state or of a nation.
Theoretically, if proper transportation facilities are provided and a proper location is available, such a center should be at the point that is most accessible from all its parts – in other words, at the geographic center of the area.
The geographic center of an area never changes. The center of population, however changes from year to year as in the United States it is gradually moving westward.
Washington DC is more than 1000 miles from the geographic center of the United States, and the question of establishing the capital in a more central location has been brought up from time to time, St. Louis, Denver, and other places have been proposed as a new site. The position of the new geographic center of the United States has been determined by the US Coast and geodetic survey and falls in Smith County, in northern Kansas, in latitude 39 degrees, 50 minutes, Longitude 98 degrees 35 minutes.
A few years ago, a prominent daily paper published an illustration of a windmill which, it was said, was the exact center of the United States, but is not possible to fix so definite a location from any data now available. All such estimates are approximate only; when new and better maps are available, closer estimates of the centers may be made.

The article went on to list the geological center of each state in the continental US.
Anyone wishing to visit the geological center of Wyoming, it is in Fremont County, 58 miles east northeast of Lander.

Of course, it depended on new states being added as well. In 1959 we gained two new states, Alaska and Hawaii, so the geographic center of the nation moved to Belle Fouche, SD, where remains today.
(Vannoy photos)