SCSD#2 Trustees Recognize Schiffer School

There were several recognitions at the Monday, March 3, SCSD#2 Board of Trustees meeting. Mike Swan, Principal of J.C. Schiffer School, talked about his students and staff.

Other recognitions, SHS Principal Scott Cleland talked about the National Merit finalists, Lucy Brock, Jackson Gaskill and Delenn Marie Layher, as well as UW Trustees Scholarship winners, Eva Anderson, Zander Cleland, Katie Feck, Hailey Harding, Erin Hoffmann, Delenn Layher, Makena Mowry, Alexia Oss, Garrett Otto, Henry Phillips, Addie Shaw and Skyler Shields.
Eva Anderson, Katie Feck, Hailey Harding and Skyler Shields attended the board meeting.

Kasey Garnhart, activities director, and Coach Brent Moore recognized SHS swimmer Ben Forsythe, who won the state championship in both the 50 free and 100 breaststroke. Forsythe also broke several records as well.
Trustee Ed Fessler and Forsythe had this exchange.
Superintendent Scott Stults gave an update on board goals for the year. He reported that the website is now easier to use that in the past. He talked about upcoming events including his last “Chat with the Superintendent.”
Two audience members, Shelly and Harry Pollak spoke to the board participation in board meetings. Harry Pollak;
In other business the board approved several policies, as well as the 2025-2026 9-12 student handbooks for SHS and Schiffer. Rebecca Adsit SCSD#2 Assistant Superintendent reported that kindergarten registration is up this year.
Adsit also reported on the 2026-27 school calendar, saying that spring break will be set from March 23-27 to align with Sheridan College and UW spring break.
She added that there are two options for the school year. Option A is school beginning on August 25, and ending on May 27, and Option B is September 1 – June 4. The options will be posted on the district website for staff, parents and community members to cast their vote. The recommendations will be brought before the board at the April meeting for approval.
The board also heard a report on the Farm and Ranch to School program from Leslie Haberkern, food program director, and how it is saving the district money on food costs. This will be addressed in another story.
The board voted to approve Meadowlark Asphalts bid of $36,880.46 for the maintenance of the pavement at the school, including the bus loops, drop off zones, playgrounds and streets. This will include crack filling, patching, replacement and sealing.
Next meeting will be on April 7 at 6 p.m. at the central office.