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Zoning Ordinance Considered on First Reading

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An ordinance establishing proposed changes and amendments to the M-1 zoning district and the creation of a M-2 zoning district within the City of Sheridan was tabled by the Sheridan City Council at their business meeting on October 21, 2024. The ordinance was tabled to allow more time for public involvement. The City hosted a M1/M2 open house in December so that the public could learn more about the history of the M1 zoning and proposed changes.

The City Council, at their business meeting Monday night, approved first reading of an ordinance that amends the current M1 zoning district to add heavy industrial uses to the list of uses requiring a Special Exemption by the Board of Adjustment, and adds a new M2 zoning district that would allow for light and heavy industrial uses with no special exemption required. City Planner Kelly Schroeder explains how the ordinance from October differs from what was approved on first reading.

City Planner Kelly Schroeder

The City Council also approved a resolution setting the annual Trees for Trash and Community Cleanup day for Saturday May 3, and the fall free landfill day for Saturday, September 27. We’ll have more from the Council meeting in future stories.

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