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Clearmont Community Members Speak at SCSD#3 Board Meeting

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Several community members attended the Wednesday, February 5, SCSD#3 Board of Trustees meeting to share their concerns with the board. One parent complimented the school and 7 through 12 Special Education Teacher Adam Georgeson on how well her son is doing in Clearmont, as he received more targeted intervention and more individual attention.

She passed out a chart to the board showing him improvement. She said he’s learning to ask for extra help, and now he’s okay. “The teaching staff here is amazing,” she said.

Georgeson added this.

Parent Amy Vineyard approached the board wondering what the actual policy was about students being absent from school. She said that she just wanted to know what the statute says and maybe make it more transparent as to where to find it.

Misty Moore addressed the board about being a facilitator for Center for Vital Community with Middle School Students. She said the discussions identify a vulnerability in the community and how can they fix it.

The students were asked what middle school was like, and if they could have a perfect middle school community look like.

Some parents had concerns that the CVC included DEI ideas, one parent said that she wanted nothing to do with that, and iI don’t think it belongs schools. and felt there should be much more transparency so the parents could make a decision for their students.

Mike Buss, School Maintenance Director, attended one meeting and he talked about the program.

He added “We are going to decide what we want in our community. I hope you guys show up to it.”

Lynn Qualm, pastor of Clearmont Community Church, also spoke to the board about the program.

Moore said she would welcome any questions and said that parents were welcome to look up the CVC website. She added that the CVC is a local non profit, some of the funding comes from the Homer and Mildred Scott foundation.

She said that in 2021, the CVC did a mental health initiative that was addressed in one of the community study circles. NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness helped to fund that initiative.

The board thanked the attendees for their comments.

Superintendent Chase Christensen added this about the CVC discussions.

In other business, the board talked about the upcoming Greenhouse Ribbon Cutting which will be at 5 p.m. on Feb. 18, a community listening session on Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. and the upcoming community lunch on March 5 at 11:30 a.m.

The also approved the purchase of two 2025 Expedition Active XLs as multipurpose vehicles for the school from Fremont Ford, and approved the contracts for teachers Misty McTaggart, Adam Georgeson and Joslyn Schiffer-Camino.

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