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Clearmont Historical Center Improves Basement Space

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In an ongoing project, The Clearmont Historical Group Center and Museum is improving the basement storage space at the Clearmont Historical Center. On Thursday, Jan. 30, Robert Prusak, chairman of the group, talked about what they are doing.

He said they would let the concrete cure for a while, and then, thanks in part to a $500 grant from Sheridan County Community Foundation, which the group received in October,

He wanted to give a big shout out and thanks to the Sheridan County Community Foundation for the grant monies. He added that when they first moved into the center, they were using wood pallets for shelving in the basement.

Prusak said that Sandy Hirz, manager of the center, went to Cheyenne and she learned how to catalog and number all of their artifacts, and how to archive everything. “That way, we know what we have and where we have it stored so we can go to it. That is a big part of any museum, cataloging everything so we know what we have and where we have it.”

Hirz talked about the new floor project, and how it will improve the Clearmont Historical Center.

She said once the new floor is done, they will be busy with February projects, like the upcoming quilt show in March.

Comments from the 2024 Quilt Show

Everyone is invited to come into the Clearmont Historical Center and see the local displays of ranch life, Native American Artifacts, natural history, and area people. Throughout the year the Historical Group hosts various programs, such as talks about Native American Artifacts; the Piney Creek Buffalo Jump by Dave Nicolarsen, Museum Curator at Sheridan College; the annual Veterans Day Program, and the upcoming quilt show in March. There is also a selection of books about local history for sale at the Center as well.

Watch Sheridanmedia for more about these events.

For more information and hours contact the Center at (307) 758-4685 or email

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  1. Avatar photo

    Meshelle Cooper

    January 31, 2025 at 12:18 pm

    Thank you, Cynthia …another great story & this helps get our message out about the upcoming Quilt Show in March!
    Appreciate you very much!

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