JCSD1 Board Approves Employment Recommendations

During their Consent Agenda at their meeting this week, the Johnson County School Board voted to approve the employment recommendations for the month of December.
Accepted was the retirement of Meadowlark Elementary School Principal Laurie Graves, who according to discussion at the meeting, will continue in that position through the end of her contract at the end of this school year.
Recommendations approved were Lori Clark as a high needs paraprofessional for Buffalo High School, a new position: Breanna Burke as assistant drama sponsor for BHS; Caige McComb as assistant indoor track coach at BHS, a new position; and Bryce Perry as assistant boys basketball coach at Kaycee Junior High School.
Approved was the transfer of Anita Harbinger from full-time custodian to a part-time custodian and part-time bus driver.
Accepted was the resignation of Grant Bryan as a bus route driver effective December 2, but he will remain as a substitute driver.