Buffalo Chamber Announces Parade Float Winners

The Buffalo Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners for the float competition in this year’s Lighted Christmas Parade.
The theme for the 2024 parade was “Christmas A to Z.”
This year’s overal winner was the Johnson County YMCA.
In the Adult Organization Category, First Place went to Pan Buffalo, Second Place went to Bighorn Kennel Club, and Third Place went to Fort Phil Kearney.
First Place in the Youth Organization category was taken by Johnson County YMCA, followed by Clover Colts 4-H and the Boys & Girls Club of the Bighorns.
In the Commercial Category, First Place was won by Buffalo Built/Seasonal Services, Second Place went to WYDOT, and Third Place was taken by the US Forest Service.
The Church Category was won by Summit Church, with Second Place going to Calvary Chapel.