Sheridan County Courthouse Re-opens on Monday

The Sheridan County Courthouse will re-open to the public at 8 a.m. Monday, although with some changes, according to county officials.
Only three entrances will be opened – the first and second floor entrances into the new addition on West Brooks Street and the third floor entrance into the new addition on South Main Street.
A limited number of customers will be allowed into each office in order to maintain social distancing, and social distancing will be required while people wait to enter offices. Lines with six-foot spacing will be designated for the county clerk, treasurer, assessor and elections offices.
The public is encouraged to continue utilizing the county drop box, mail, email, phone or on-line services to conduct business whenever possible.
The new county drop box is on the courthouse side of the street at the corner of Brooks and Burkitt streets. Documents should be placed in a sealed envelope that is addressed to the appropriate office.