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Getting Ready for the Christmas Stroll

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Kevin Koile - Sheridan Media

The 29th annual Christmas Stroll will be held this upcoming Friday in downtown Sheridan. This year’s theme is a Cowboy Christmas Stroll and there will be a number of family friendly events throughout the day and evening. City of Sheridan Administrator Stu McRae reminds residents that Grinnell Plaza will be closed Friday afternoon for the Christmas Stroll.

City of Sheridan Administrator Stu McRae

Once again, the Christmas Stroll will take place in downtown Sheridan from 8 am to 8 pm and Grinnell Plaza will be closed for the Stroll from 4 to 8 pm. Click here for a full listing of Stroll activities that are planned throughout the day and evening.



  1. Avatar photo

    Dennis Fox

    November 26, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    Imagine the increase in local shopping if Everything in Sheridan were on sale with a 1% reduction in all prices!
    That’s right we could have reduced the sales tax to a more affordable and local-shopping-friendly 5% sales tax, if just 1300 people had changed their vote to “Against” higher taxes.
    That’s about 4% of the population of Sheridan county who are dictating higher taxes to the 96% majority of our hard-working residents.
    Talk about dictatorship of the minority!

  2. Avatar photo

    Michael Johnson

    November 29, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    Small price to pay and obviously recognized by the majority of the good citizens of Sheridan County as such. Perhaps “less” negativity is always better.
    The Cap Tax is approved for a specific amount, exclusively for capital improvement projects for community infrastructure such as streets, roads, bridges, utilities, and facilities. Sheridan County voters approved this tax in 1989, 1998, 2003, 2009, 2013 and 2020. Revenue collected from this tax funds infrastructure projects in the City of Sheridan, Sheridan County, Clearmont, Dayton and Ranchester.

    The total amount requested this year is $40,000,000. This amount is allocated between 37 major project categories among the five entities. The current projects were determined over several months of strategic planning. Project costs are leveraged through other sources of funding; the total cost of Cap Tax projects is frequently offset by federal and state matching funds. The Cap Tax makes these projects possible, providing a significant amount of the total cost.

    All consumers of goods and services in Sheridan County pay the Capital Facilities sales and use tax. This includes visitors and temporary employees within our communities. The Cap Tax applies only to items that are subject to sales and use tax. It does not apply to sales of most foods (such as groceries), rental payments, home,”

  3. Avatar photo

    Dennis Fox

    December 2, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Lower taxes are a Great Idea who’s time has finally come to Sheridan County.
    A record-high 42% of voters rejected the 1% General Purpose Excess Tax in 2022.
    And another record-high 42% of voters rejected the Specific Purpose Excess Tax in 2024.
    We are finally cutting through the 40 years of high-tax myth and propaganda that tries to sell us the “Big Lie” that “High Taxes are Good for us.”
    They are not. Lower taxes are Always Better!
    And no amount of high-tax BS will obscure the simple fact that we can’t afford high taxes and bigger gov’t.
    No More Brooks St. Flower Pot Boondoggles!!
    Too many of us know the truth, that lower taxes are better.
    In 2026 the smart, low tax advocates will finally vote everyone in Sheridan County a much-needed tax break.
    The high-tax Imposers will still be free to impose higher taxes on themselves….just not 100% of Sheridan County.
    Lower Taxes Are Better.

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