Annual Wyoming vs. Montana All-Star Basketball Games Canceled

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the annual Wyoming vs. Montana All-Star basketball games have been canceled.
The games were to have taken place on June 12 and 13 in Sheridan and Billings. This will be the first time in over 40 years that the games will not be held.
Rich “Bubba” Hall, who’s athletic director for the Northern Wyoming Community College District, said he is saddened by the need to cancel the games, but the college supports the protocols put in place by the state of Wyoming, Sheridan County and Sheridan College to protect the health and safety of players, game personnel and spectators.
Montana currently holds the all-time series leads in both the men’s and women’s competitions. On the men’s side, Montana has 61 wins and 27 losses, and on the women’s side, 33 wins and 12 losses. The men’s games started in 1976, and the women joined the annual competition in 1997.
Sheridan College head coaches traditionally coach the Wyoming All-Star team. Teams from Wyoming and Montana had already been selected before the cancellation was announced.