Senator Barrasso: ‘America Will Come Back Stronger than Ever’

U.S. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday about the Senate returning to work to help America safely reopen as soon as possible. Senator Barrasso said that the pandemic is hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime, once-in-a-century shock. It has been an earthquake that continues to shake the world to its core.
Senator Barrasso said that testing in the United States has been dramatically expanded, and we are producing promising treatments, and that the American people deserve a lot of credit for their tremendous sacrifices to contain the spread of the virus.
Barrasso said that before the pandemic, the United States had record job growth and record-low unemployment, and that there is no question in his mind that our economy will bounce back.

Fred Osborn
May 6, 2020 at 8:29 am
America has been weaker since early 2016 and sane folks know it.Agenda 21 has clearly kicked in.
Thomas Jones
May 6, 2020 at 1:34 pm
America will come back when the rule of law is followed by all, and not a two tiered just-us system enjoyed by congress and DC bureaucrats. What happened to Gen. Flynn is a travesty of justice, and those who perpetuated it should be held accountable. No one is above the law.
Dennis Fox
May 6, 2020 at 3:51 pm
I very much appreciate the Senator’s optimism, but every day these closure “orders” remain in effect, the more damage they do to our economy. We’re already in a recession and likely headed towards worse. We need to re-open our economy ASAP. Never before in history has any nation isolated the healthy along with the sick. The whole purpose of a quarantine is to isolate the sick, so the rest of us can carry on with our lives. Crushing our economy and altering our form of gov’t is killing America. This may become the only self-induced Depression in history, if we don’t re-open soon.