Transportation and Disposal of deer, elk or moose

Wyoming Game and Fish has filed a report concerning the disposal and transportation of deer, elk and moose carcasses.
Chronic wasting disease can be transmitted from carcasses of animals harvested by hunters and are positive for CWD. Most CWD-positive animals that are harvested appear completely normal and healthy.
Wyoming Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt spoke on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse about the regulations regarding carcass disposal.
C. Schmidt
To minimize the possibility of transmission, Wyoming’s regulations require deer, elk and moose hunters to transport only the following items within Wyoming from the site of the kill:
- Whole carcasses can be transported to a camp, private residence for processing, a taxidermist, a processor, or a CWD sample collection site in Wyoming provided that the head and all portions of the spinal column remain at the site of the kill or such parts are disposed in any approved landfill or approved incinerator in Wyoming.
- Cut and wrapped meat
- Edible portions with no portion of the spinal column or head attached
- Cleaned hide without the head attached
- Skull, skull plate, or antlers that have been cleaned of all meat and brain tissue
- Teeth
- Finished taxidermy mounts
Game and Fish remind hunters that whole deer, elk and moose carcasses cannot be transported out of Wyoming. The only parts approved to leave the state are edible portions with no part of the spinal column or head; cleaned hide without the head; skull, skull plate, or antlers cleaned of all meat and brain tissue; teeth; or finished taxidermy mounts.
While these parts are permitted to leave Wyoming, not all state regulations align with this.
To find a map of carcass dumpster locations throughout Wyoming, click here.