Hospital Foundation Creates Fund for COVID-19 Support

Sheridan Memorial Hospital Foundation directors have created a COVID-19 Care Fund to support Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s COVID-19 planning and preparation for the community.
Foundation directors earlier this week approved $165,000 to go toward setup for current and future testing, surge planning, purchasing additional personal protective equipment, respiratory equipment, training and other needs to care for COVID-19 patients.
Efforts were led by the Homer and Mildred Scott Foundation with a gift of $10,000 for personal protective equipment and support for a partnership with Kennon Products to provide masks and gowns.
In addition, an anonymous donor funded the purchase of two refurbished ventilators that are already in use at the hospital.
In addition to the funds approved this week, the foundation board in March approved $50,000 in additional funding for new technology and testing equipment in the Memorial Hospital lab.
According to a news release from the hospital, the BioFire FilmArray analyzer is an industry-leading technology used in the diagnosis of infectious disease.