Roads Within Bighorn National Forest Near Elk Fire Closed

The Elk Fire has been most active in the northern division and crews are working to slow down a run it is currently making.
Fire crews are now in the Pass Creek area and the main objective is to protect critical values at risk.
These values include firefighter and public safety, two cow camps and a radio repeater site.
The strategy is full suppression.
However, the team is utilizing all available tactics with firefighter and public safety as the primary decision driver.
The approach to suppress the fire will be conducive to the terrain, conditions, and medical team response time.
Winds may pick up as a cold front moves into the area.
A closure order is in effect to protect the safety of firefighters and the public.
An area including, Forest System Roads 145,150, 114, and portions of 167 and 168 along with Forest System Trails 201, 077, and 428 will be closed to public entry.
This order is being put in place to protect firefighter and visitor safety.
The roads are being heavily used by firefighters, including large equipment.
If you can, please avoid travel in the general area.
If you need to remove personal equipment from the closure area or roads behind it, please contact 307-683-7019.
As of 1pm on Sunday, September 29th, the fire has burned 511 acres and is 0% contained.
It is working its way down the face and headed into lighter fuels.
The team is recognizing this is an increased risk to critical values off the Forest.
The team has gone ahead to reposition resources and order additional resources including air support.
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