Arbor Day Poster Contest Winners Announced

Winners of this year’s Arbor Day poster contest have been announced.
First place winner is Mckayla Baker of Green River, and second place goes to Samuel Heward of Medicine Bow.
The first place winner will receive $100, her framed poster and a plaque. Second place receives $50, his framed poster and a plaque.

The framing this year is being donated by a Sheridan firm, Main Frame.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Arbor Day celebration, the 132nd event, will be held in the fall. This year’s winners, their families and teachers will be invited to the celebration.
The poster contest is hosted by a partnership of Wyoming State Forestry Division and Wyoming Project Learning Tree, and the theme of this year’s contest was I Spy Trees.
Over 175 fourth and fifth grade students from around the state participated in the contest.
In addition to the prizes awarded the two winners, Baker’s teacher, Terri Jones, will also receive $100.