Labor Day, A Brief History

Today is Labor Day, the official end of summer. Labor Day is an old holiday in the United States, it was declared a federal holiday in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland. But, before it was an official federal holiday, Labor Day was recognized as a holiday in several individual states.
Sheridan Enterprise Wyoming, Tuesday, September 7, 1909 – Labor Day and its Inception: First Celebration Held In New York City In 1881.
Labor Day, now generally observed in every important center of population in the United States, is an Institution of comparatively recent origin. The first Labor Day celebration ever held was on the first Monday in September, 1881, in New York City. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor was in session at that time and a parade of twenty thousand members was reviewed by the general officers in Union square. It was on that occasion that the name of Labor Day was first used.
Master Workman Powderly was standing in the reviewing stand with General Worthy Foreman Griffith, a veteran of the labor movement. Robert Price, a coal miner, and a member of the assembly watched the parade for a few moments and then, slapping Griffith on the back, said: “Well, Jack, this is Labor Day all right, isn’t It?”
That remark, overheard by George M. Lloyd of the New York Central Labor Union, led him to introduce a resolution in his local, setting aside the first Monday in September as a day to celebrate labor’s progress. He took his resolution to the New York legislature. While it was pending there Oregon, with fewer than a thousand trades unionists, passed a state law designating a Labor Day. New York, with three hundred thousand unionists, although first to propose a law, was second to enact one. Now practically all of the states have Labor Day laws. The national government in 1894 recognized the day and congress in a resolution fixed the first Monday in September as a day when all work would be suspended, and employee and employers would get together to discuss their general welfare.
State Governors each year proclaimed Labor Day as a holiday. One of the earliest references in Wyoming was from the Cheyenne Daily Sun Leader on August 28, 1895.
Labor Day Proclamation: State of Wyoming, Executive Department. Whereas, The congress of the United States has designated the first Monday In September of each year a national holiday, to be known as Labor Day. Now, therefore, I, William A. Richards, governor of the state of Wyoming, do hereby appoint and proclaim Monday, September 2, 1896, a legal holiday throughout the state of Wyoming. This day has been by law set apart as a holiday, as an evidence of the fact that the people of this great republic recognize the worth and dignity of human labor, the foundation of our national prosperity. It ls especially appropriate that we of Wyoming should observe such a holiday as this because we probably have fewer people of leisure than any other state.
“Those who do not work do not become permanent residents. The recent trouble on our western border was largely a protest against allowing unusual privilege to a class of beings who have not yet learned that they cannot live without labor. It Is earnestly requested and recommended that upon the day named all business be suspended and that it be appropriately observed and celebrated as Labor Day.
In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be here to affixed, at the capitol in the city of Cheyenne this 24th day of August, A. D. 1895. WM. A. Richards (Seal) Governor. By the Governor: Charles W. Burdick, Secretary of State.

This item from The Sheridan Post, September 4, 1921
And this article from the Niobrara County News, Manville, Wyoming, September 2, 1915. This was from Sheridan’s own John B. Kendrick, Governor.
Labor Day Proclamation: As the world progresses in civilization and learning the appreciation of what Labor has done and can do, grows with us. We are coming to a better realization of the fact that without Labor, nothing would be possible. Our country and State would not have risen to the dignity of substantial commonwealths: our people would be still upon a par with the cave dwellers of prehistoric times. Law and order would be unknown and the great elements which the Creator has placed to our hands would yet exist as crude materials of unknown value.
With the growth of civilization, there comes a desire to better regulate Labor, to lay down rules so that man who earns his bread by his brawn will have a just number of stipulated hours for work; rules so that women and children cannot be imposed upon by the more powerful who control their exertions. There also comes a desire to recognize the splendid part which those who labor play in the advancement and up-building of the world, and bring to the attention of the people as a whole and in the most forceful manner possible. the high regard in which such men and women are held by society. With this end in view, one day in each year has been set apart as Labor Day. THEREFORE, I John B. Kendrick, Governor of the State of Wyoming, do designate Monday, September 6, 1915 Labor Day And request that the citizens of the State observe the day to the fullest extent, so as to increase the respect in which Labor is held, and show due regard for those who toil. Let the day be observed as a holiday: let all business be suspended, insofar as it is practical, and let a friendly word be spoken on all hands in honor of those upon whom the material progress and success of our state and nation depend.
In witness whereof, I have here upon set my and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State of Wyoming.
Done in the city of Cheyenne, this twenty-fifth day of August, A.D. 1915. John B. Kendrick, Governor. By the Governor Frank L. Houx, Sec. Of state.

As today, Labor Day became a day of relaxation and enjoyment, like this ad from the Sheridan Enterprise, August 31, 1913
It was celebrated in Sheridan with parades, baseball, and other activities, as this article in The Semi-Weekly Enterprise, August 27, 1907
Big Time Labor Day Celebration Will Be Under Supervision of Sheridan Trades and Labor Council. Will Have Fine Parade, Speeches at Kendrick Park— Long List of Races and Sports, including Baseball
Monday is Labor Day and the occasion will be appropriately celebrated in Sheridan. The exercises will be under the direction of the Sheridan Trades and Labor Council.
The parade will start from Eagles’ hall at 8:30 and proceed to the Burlington depot, where it will meet the organization from Dietz, Carneyvllle and Monarch. The parade will then proceed south on Main Street to Works, west on Works to Linden Avenue, thence to Kendrick Park. At the park speeches will be made by Hon. John S. Taylor, mayor of Sheridan, and other prominent men.
At 2 p. m. there will be sports and races on Grinnell Avenue, occupying the time from 2 till 4 o’clock. There will be two boys’ races, a young men’s race, old men’s race, fat men’s race, girls’ race, young ladies’ race, old ladles’ race, three-legged race, sack race, running high jump, tug-of-war. Suitable prizes are offered in all these contests. A prize of $25 is offered for the local making the best showing in the parade. A game of ball between the Sheridan Tigers and the World for a purse of $100 at the baseball park.
The executive committee of the Trades and Labor Council desire to state that it has no control over the closing of stores on Labor Day, but requests a general observance of the closing order, at least between the hours of 10 and 6. Many stores have agreed to close during these hours, and it is announced that all employees will be free to join in the exercises on Monday. On account of Saturday being payday at the mines, requests have come from that quarter to allow visitors from these places an opportunity to purchase what they desire sometime during the day.

Today, Labor Day is still celebrated, and working people look forward to it as a three day holiday and the official end of summer. Being a western town, Sheridan celebrates Labor Day with Don King Days at Big Horn. Included are polo games, cowboy polo, steer roping, bronc riding, music and other family fun.