6 months agoon
Sheridan City Councilman Andy Patceg and Utilities Director Dan Roberts made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss The Capital Facilities Tax or “Cap Tax.”
The Capital Facilities Tax is voted in by Sheridan County residents every four years. A one-cent sales tax approved for a specific amount, it is used exclusively for specific capital improvements to community infrastructure.
Councilman A. Patceg
According to the City, Sheridan County voters have consistently voted to renew this tax, from 1989-2020, when it last appeared on the ballot.
Roberts said although it is not frequently used by the Utilities Department, it has been utilized for large projects, including more recent repairs and improvements.
D. Roberts
The Cap Tax, which was last on the ballot in 2020 and received a 76% voter approval, collected $40M for County-wide projects, reached a set amount and sunsets (ceases to be collected). The Cap Tax will be on the ballot once again for Sheridan County voters in November 2024.
Dennis Fox
August 9, 2024 at 2:02 pm
The sales tax rate of 6% is too high. With the cost of everything sky-rocketing, it’s time for us to “vote ourselves a tax break.”
This is the ONLY tax that we have Direct control over and we should vote against this Excessive Tax.
Lowering the sales Tax to 5% will save us about $10,000 per household, over a working lifetime. And that’s just in a cookie jar.
Invested wisely, the tax savings could grow to a %200,000 nest egg….per household.
Let’s “Cap it @ 5%” and start growing our own savings, instead of leaving it to politicians to waste.
We already have a $30 million dollar Brooks street “Flower-pot.”