SPD bases culture on core ideas developed almost 200 years ago

Sheridan Police Department Chief Travis Koltiska and Captain Tom Ringley spoke on the principle columns of policing which form the base of the culture and practices within the SPD.
The tenets of modern policing were developed by Sir Robert Peel which were implemented when he founded the Metropolitan Police Force for London based at Scotland Yard, in 1829.
Chief T. Koltiska
The first of these core ideas states: The goal is preventing crime, not catching criminals.
Capt. T. Ringley
The second core idea of policing states that the key to preventing crime is earning public support.
Capt. T. Ringley
The third core idea revolves around earning that public support by respecting community principles.
Capt. T. Ringley
Although popular, Peel had his critics as many of his policy changes were considered borderline radical during his time such as reducing the number of crimes punishable by death and simplifying the law by repealing a large number of criminal statutes.
With the changing culture of the Sheridan WYO Rodeo events to be more oriented to families, the SPD Chief made the decision this year to reduce the amount of officers on patrol. Although arrests were up for the year, Chief Koltiska said total incidents that required SPD involvement were down from previous years.