6 months agoon
The Jentel Artist Residency Program offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development.
Jentel is an anagram of the founder’s name, Neltje. A lover of both Wyoming and art, Neltje’s experience while visiting Wyoming from her native New York in the 1960s, left her inspired and rejuvenated. It was this fire that Neltje wished to ignite in others which motivated her to create the Jentel Artist Residency.
Jentel Artist Residency Program Manager Lynn Reeves and assistant Emi Whiting made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the residency and Jentel Presents.
Jentel Presents offers the artists in residency and opportunity to showcase their work to the Sheridan community.
E. Whiting
This month’s artists include Eric Siegel from Denver, CO. A writer, Siegel creates landscapes of language; poetry and journalism are his forms of fieldwork. He goes for writing that transcribes the ordinary into the strange.
Ian Brownlee, from Seattle, WA. A painter, Brownlee is a painter and muralist from the southeastern United States who is in love with the West. When he is not painting, Brownlee is hiking and backpacking.
Frank Chang, from Binghamton, NY. Chang is a sculptor and growing up, “what if” was the most interesting question for Chang, especially when thinking about the past/future.
Alida Wilkinson from Brooklyn, NY. A painter. Wilkinson said it’s easy to feel anonymous growing up in New York City. Wilkinson’s response is to make intensely personal art– that highlights connection, community, and shared humanity.
Caprice Gray, from New York, NY. A fiction writer, Gray writes about otherness, alienation, and transformation. She hails proudly from Harlem, New York (traditional Wecksquaesgeek land), and is passionate about writing and history.
Kathleen Eastwood Riaño from Philadelphia, PA. A painter, Riaño is fascinated by people and plants. Riaño is married to an immigrant, became bilingual as an adult, and half of her family lives on other continents.
This presentation of artists and their work is held on the last Tuesday of every month beginning at 11:30 to 1 p.m. in the Sheridan Fulmer Library Inner Circle. All are welcome to attend.