6 months agoon
Sheridan Sundowner Lions Jim Rapp, Sonny Reisch, and Gail Vanderpoel made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to talk about the fundraising efforts of the organization.
The Sheridan Sundowner Lions, like other Lions Club chapters throughout the county, works to provide vision screenings and other vision medical care to children. By conducting vision screenings, equipping hospitals and clinics, distributing medicine and raising awareness of eye disease, Lions work toward their mission of providing vision for all. Vanderpoel said they work with all vision medical providers in the city.
G. Vanderpoel
One fundraising effort involves the sale of peaches and pears. Both come in 20 lb boxes with peaches costing $40 and pears at $30.
Reisch said the fruit is supplied through Noland Orchards in Palisade, Colo.
S. Reisch
According to Rapp, if one doesn’t happen to know any members, purchase of the peaches and pears can be made during 3rd Thursday events.
J. Rapp
According to the Sundowners Lions Club, the tentative date for delivery of the fruit is the end of August.