7 months agoon
The Jentel Artist Residency Program offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development.
Jentel is an anagram of the founder’s name, Neltje. A lover of both Wyoming and art, Neltje’s experience while visiting Wyoming from her native New York in the 1960s, left her inspired and rejuvenated. It was this fire that Neltje wished to ignite in others which motivated her to create the Jentel Artist Residency.
Jentel Artist Residency Program Manager Lynn Reeves was a personal friend of Neltje. Reeves shared Neltje’s appreciation of both art and the Cowboy State and so Reeves accepted the position to run the residency. She told listeners of Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse that Nelje was a person of vision, generosity and talent who spoke her mind.
L. Reeves
Reeves and Residency Assistant Emi Whiting now work to ensure that the vision Neltje had for Jentel is extended to every visiting artist, author and now, composers.
To celebrate these accomplished visitors to the Sheridan Region, the Jentel Artist Residency has developed Jentel Presents. This presentation of artists and their work is held on the last Tuesday of every month beginning at 11:30 to 1 p.m. in the Sheridan Fulmer Library Inner Circle.
E. Whiting
Learn more by clicking here.