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Sheridan Commission Issues Reminder on Fire Safety and Independence Day Fireworks

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The Sheridan County Board of County Commissioners has issued a release reminding residents of the regulations and safety precautions concerning the use of fireworks and fire-related activities to prevent wildfires and ensure community safety during this Independence Day celebration.

Fireworks Regulations:

During the Independence Day holiday, the use of fireworks is restricted to 6:01 a.m. through 11:30 p.m. daily from July 1 through July 7, except for permitted supervised public displays.

Fireworks are not permitted on county land and easements, or on public roads and highways. Additionally, the use of fireworks is prohibited within 50 feet of any occupied structure without the owner’s permission.

An occupied structure is defined as any structure or vehicle where people live, conduct business, assemble, or may reasonably be expected to be present. Residents are asked to be mindful of neighbors, livestock, pets, and wildlife when properly using fireworks.

Supervised public displays permitted by the Board of County Commissioners may have different rules.

Fire Safety Precautions:

  • Before lighting any small recreation fire, or trash fire ensure there is a non-flammable zone of at least 15 feet around the fire, using materials like gravel or green grass.
  • Check Weather Forecasts: Avoid burning if high temperatures, low humidity, or high winds are predicted.
  • Burn Timing: If weather conditions permit, burn between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
  • Prior to any planned burning, including bonfires, notify the Dispatch Center at (307) 672-2413 to prevent unnecessary fire department responses.
  • Preparation: Have fire tools, water, and a phone readily available.
  • Early Response: Do not hesitate to call for help if a burn gets out of control. Early intervention can significantly reduce control efforts and potential damage.
  • Always make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended.

Additional Fire Safety Precautions:

  • Avoid parking vehicles on dry grass, as the heat from exhaust can ignite a fire.
  • Check trailer chains to ensure they do not drag on the pavement and cause sparks.
  • Have a fire extinguisher or water sprayer readily available on equipment when cutting and baling hay.

Your cooperation is vital in preventing wildfires and ensuring the safety of our community.

For more information go to:

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