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Make A Wish Helps Send Sheridan HS Senior To The Beach

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Chloe Jorgenson (Left) - Photo Courtesy: Make A Wish Wyoming

Visualize your happy place.

Where does it take you?

For Chloe Jorgenson, a Sheridan high school senior, her happy place has always been the beach.

Make-A-Wish Wyoming recently sent Chloe to her happy place in the Dominican Republic, which was a much needed gift after a truly difficult year.

In 2023, at the start of Chloe’s senior year, she began showing unusual symptoms that started to interfere with her daily life.

She and her parents made a prompt visit to the doctor.

After she received extensive blood work, tests, and scans, she was referred to Denver Children’s Hospital where it was discovered that Chloe had a brain tumor, which required brain surgery, among other treatments.

After recovering from surgery, Chloe began a one-year treatment plan of chemotherapy and medication.

You can imagine how these treatments impacted the beginning of her senior year. Yet through it all, she showed grit and perseverance.

“A tumor was the farthest things in our minds and as a mom, it was so scary to hear. But now, the tumor has shrunk, and we are down to just three more treatments before she gets to ring the bell signaling the end of her cancer treatments,” says Chloe’s mom, Krista.

Throughout Chloe’s year of treatment, she really began to acknowledge Wyoming’s land-locked location.

This led Chloe to decide she needed a visit to her happy place – the beach.

Chloe and her family previously visited a beloved resort in Cancun and Chloe discovered the same resort opened a location in the Dominican Republic, which she had been hopeful to visit someday.

That day came sooner than she thought, thanks to her wish from Make-A-Wish Wyoming.

“Before they wheeled Chloe away for her brain surgery last year, they told her to ‘go to her happy place.’ And her happy place is the beach. So, her wish really brought everything full circle. She got to experience this really amazing place which was so special for her and our whole family,” says Krista.  

Accompanied by her mom, dad, older brother, and best friend, the group headed to the Dominican Republic.

Together they hit the beach in the morning to lounge, relax, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

When afternoon hit, it was time to take a dip in the resort’s pool.

Chloe’s favorite part of the trip was boogie boarding in the ocean, riding the waves with her best friend.

“It was a challenging year for Chloe, but she came out stronger. Her wish gave her hope and something to look forward to while going through her treatments. It was a great escape to relax and enjoy a break together. It truly gave us hope as a family and inspired us to explore how we can help other families experiencing the same thing we did,” says Krista.

People who know Chloe would agree she is one of the most kind and caring individuals you will meet.

She loves to help people, volunteer, and play golf on her high school team.

Chloe is now a high school graduate and plans to attend the University of Wyoming in the fall.

Before entering college, Chloe will join her golf team in representing Wyoming at Nationals in Texas.

Being the type of person to always lend a hand, Chloe wants to help others, especially kids her age.

After her wish, she’s inspired more than ever to help other kids who are battling life-threatening illnesses like her and hopes to be a person they can rely on and relate to during a tough time.

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