Travel Delays Expected this Summer Due to Trail Work in the Bighorn National Forest

Bighorn National Forest trail personnel are preparing for contract work to begin on the Story/Penrose trail, North Piney trail, and Stockwell trail this coming summer. Stakes set to mark work areas have recently been placed for the trail work. According to a release from the Forest Service, work will include blasting on Story/Penrose trail. Closures are not expected but travel delays will occur. Notice will be shared closer to the date blasting is planned to allow visitors to make alternative plans if necessary.
Other trail work will include tread reconditioning, stream crossing work, excavation, corridor work such as brush trimming, and some hazard tree removal. If you have questions, please contact Justin Reimer, Forest trails coordinator, at 307-674-2600 or Stay in the know and check for project updates by following us on Twitter (@BighornNF) or liking us on Facebook (US Forest Service – Bighorn National Forest).