8 months agoon
Ron RichterAccording to the Sheridan Police Department report for April 10, officers responded to a DUI REDDI report at approximately 9:29 pm Wednesday. The REDDI report led to the arrest of Sheridan County Commissioner Christi Haswell for driving while under the influence and hit and run. Haswell allegedly struck an unattended vehicle and failed to report the accident. We’ll have additional information on the incident as it becomes available.
Dennis Fox
April 11, 2024 at 8:21 pm
Michael Johnson
April 12, 2024 at 10:20 am
I now understand you.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
Dennis Fox
April 12, 2024 at 4:02 pm
Wow! I posted a single word and got such vitriol. Guess I struck a nerve, huh?
But then the Truth has that effect on statist and Marxist.
Just a reminder that had commish chris uttered just one single word: “Second.”
None of this would have happened!
She Could have saved the taxpayers 84,000 dollars and not annoyed two District Judges.
Guess she’ll be getting used to a courtroom.
And tiny mike, Liberalism/Leftism is a true mental disorder.
S.A. Lowe
April 12, 2024 at 9:47 pm
I’m guessing your attempt at a political career is over, Mr Fox? By your inflamed and unnecessary comments here? Bless your heart.
Dennis Fox
April 15, 2024 at 10:52 pm
Karma is not “inflamed”. It was just a question.
Michael Johnson
April 16, 2024 at 12:31 pm
Dennis the Menace your phrase for the month must be “statist and Marxist. You’ve called me and now the Governor of our Great State of Wyoming that as well?? Anyone else on your list?
And by the way Liberalism and Leftism are two completely different political ideologies. Which are you inferring as the true mental disorder?
Larry Williams
April 12, 2024 at 10:44 am
Karma for what?
Dennis Fox
April 18, 2024 at 6:18 pm
Karma for Breaking the Law, when she planned and executed the Board’s FAILURE to do their job. The Four commissioners Failed to follow the Law and fill the vacancy, by selecting One of Three Nominees.
And apparently this is her second time.
Lawlessness begets Lawlessness.
Dennis Fox
April 19, 2024 at 11:21 pm
Repeat offender, too.
Dennis Fox
May 2, 2024 at 4:49 pm
Still waiting for that update. Are the police sitting on the report or is the Media protecting our wayward electeds?
Surely three weeks is enough time to write a report.
Or is the damage done so extensive to the property she (allegedly) crashed into, that it just takes time to add it all up?
Ross Holter
April 12, 2024 at 10:33 am
This is very disappointing especially from a member of the party of “family values” but I suppose the same thing happened to Kinskey and he went on to be a state Senator…… The hypocrisy of the GOP continues unabated.
Larry Williams
April 12, 2024 at 10:47 am
These comments are ridiculous.
Michael Johnson
April 12, 2024 at 12:34 pm
My comment is to Mr. Fox. I think the world of Christy and since the trial that Sheridan County Republican Party lost, Dennis the Menace has been nothing but negative. Shame to go through this world that way.
Dennis Fox
April 12, 2024 at 3:55 pm
The R’s won. A real republican now sits on the Board.
The additional lawsuit is just an attempt to hold our elected’s accountable and try to prevent recidivism. Oopps, now that a commish has (allegedly) committed additional crimes, guess we’re too late.
And little johnson, thought you promised to quit bothering our readers with your witless trolling?
Michael Johnson
April 12, 2024 at 5:18 pm
I can’t help myself. I googled a word for a person that never has anything good to say about anything and needs and seeks attention. Except for a photo of you, this seemed perfect. Obviously the other folks who commented didn’t take part of your poll.
Dennis Fox
April 17, 2024 at 3:44 pm
Mike, supporting the rule of law is always a positive thing. Why do you support law-breaking?
And plz stop showing up to these “battle of wits” completely unarmed. I feel sorry for my little “self-appointed” pet troll.
And again, you started this descent into ad hominem, not me.
I posted just one single word, Karma, which unleased this torrent of inappropriate posting from you and others. Let’s stick to the issues of: (alleged) criminal hit and run and drunk driving…and recidivism.
Oh and the original law-breaking of failing to fill the seat, as required by LAW! The FAILED FOUR will be held accountable.
Michael Johnson
April 13, 2024 at 10:09 pm
Our readers?? This is not your stage or audience. I was right you have an unreasonably high sense of your own importance. You need and seek too much attention and want people to admire you. By the way… 6’7” and 280 lbs. I wouldn’t consider me little.
Dennis Fox
April 15, 2024 at 6:28 pm
Sorry for being unclear. I wasn’t using the word “little” to refer to your entire body.
I was referring to that empty space above your neck.
And remember, you started the name-calling.
Harriet Olsen
April 12, 2024 at 1:37 pm
Everybody makes mistakes except Mr. Fox and the RNC which cost us $38000.
For no good reason, except Ego. With their frivolous lawsuit One wonders what has happened to our great Republican party,in Sheridan County. Please. Mr. Fox, just go Wave your signs on a Street corner someplace.
At least that doesn’t cost the taxpayers a whole bunch of money.
Or just go away, We just can’t afford you….
Dennis Fox
April 12, 2024 at 10:18 pm
The people of Sheridan County will always be able to “afford” the Truth, because the truth is usually free.
Commish Chris saying the word, “second” would have cost her nothing.
While Failing to do her Job may indeed “Cost her Everything.”
Commish Chris is primarily responsible for all the legal costs to the taxpayers. She planned and executed the biggest rigged vote scandal in modern county history.
(plz note: I was perfectly content to post just a single word, until others raised questions and posted personal attacks. I’m just defending the Law and common sense.)
Her best bet now is to admit her mistakes, ask us for forgiveness and then do the right thing…..
Michael Johnson
April 15, 2024 at 1:03 pm
The truth is that perhaps the three prospects that were presented, although had a pulse and technically qualified, just didn’t pass the mustard. I noticed that once again your name, Dennis the Menace, was one of the possible nine and your own party rejected you (again).OUCH! I think if Jeff or Bev was included, one of them would have been welcomed with open arms. We elected the county commissioners to look out for us and I’m glad they did.
You’re never content to post a single word, N-a-r-c-i-s-s-i-s-t? By personal attacks do you mean tagging our elected officials with childish names like Failed Four?
Dennis Fox
April 16, 2024 at 9:48 am
They weren’t “prospects” they were the Republican Party Nominees for commissioner. They were vetted, qualified and voted on by the 100+ members of the central committee. The Law gave the Board the opportunity to pick one of the three. “Shall select..” is mandatory. The Chairwoman/defendant admitted that it was “mandatory” in her court testimony (look it up.) She lead the Failed Four commissioners down the path of Lawlessness. And she will suffer the consequences…one way or another. Court, ballot-box or karma; the right shall prevail. The universe is always seeking balance.
Dennis Fox
April 17, 2024 at 1:40 pm
And there you have it folks. Tiny johnson just confirmed what we all knew. The commissioners willfully broke the law because they had a deep personal bias against all three Real Republicans.
If a liberal lefty had been included, they would have put them on the Board! That’s a public admission that since the Party nominated three, fully qualified, Real Republicans, the “Failed Four” deliberately and willfully rigged the selection process to break the Law and reject all three Nominees.
Which forced a judge to step in and do their job.
Thankfully she could read and follow the law.
Thanks, little mike, for revealing and confirming the duplicity and criminal deeds of the failed four.
Tod Windsor
April 14, 2024 at 2:50 pm
With so many of you supporting breaking the law, we could save a lot of money by getting rid of the police department, the Sheriff’s office, and the court system.
David C Fisher
April 14, 2024 at 11:15 pm
Well isn’t all this something to watch… The libs are showing their true colors while trying to disguise them.
Dennis Fox
April 15, 2024 at 6:16 pm
For the record. My comments are my own. I’m just a private citizen and do NOT speak for the Rep. Party or anyone else except myself.
I’ve never held elected office and am not an office-holder of either party or any organization.
Just an old veteran, worried about the Spread of Lawlessness and trying to “call balls and strikes” as I see them.
The Four commissioners Failed to pick one of the three nominees and thus broke the law.
I warned that lawlessness going un-punished would lead to more law-breaking. Looks like the failed four’s disregard for the law (and safety of others) has extended to hit and run and DUI.
No one is above the law.
Michael Johnson
April 16, 2024 at 6:24 pm
So the Party told you to make sure the lies and misstatements you make don’t reflect on them huh? Don’t they know you “can’t fix stupid”?
Dennis Fox
April 17, 2024 at 3:32 pm
Unlike the Liberal talking points that get repeated endlessly, Republicans are all independent thinkers. We just all know the same core, founding principles. And they are timeless. Liberty, Limited gov’t and the Rule of Law are Primary and Foundational to American success.
My words are all true and are all my own. They only “words” a “party” person said to me was, “we need to pray for Christy.”
I concur.
I hope she’s drying out in Mexico (or wherever she is) and will return to seek help.
Dennis Fox
April 15, 2024 at 11:07 pm
-When the officer pulled her over, she asked if he was “Qualified” to stop her.
-When the arresting officer conducted the field sobriety test, he held up three fingers and asked her to “Pick One.”
When she was unable to do it, he failed her.
-When he put the cuffs on, she said, “I don’t think these are a good fit for me.”
-I sure hope all the public attention since she ran the failed four’s botched selection process, didn’t “drive her to drink.”
Dennis Fox
April 16, 2024 at 10:02 am
Elected officials serve as role models for our youth. They should consider that, when their misdeeds set bad examples for the community.
And when they break their Oath of Office, and the Sacred Public Trust, they should consider the broader reach of their actions.
An admission of needing help is not weakness, it is strength.
– It is the beginning of recovery and redemption.
Dennis Fox
April 17, 2024 at 1:55 pm
Thankfully no one was hurt when she (allegedly) crashed into a car and fixed structure. But we only know that now, after the fact. Did she stop to see if someone was hurt in the truck she hit? No, she apparently drove away. Hit and run is a serious crime. So is driving drunk!
That’s why we should always punish law-breaking. If we, as a society, don’t hold people accountable, they will think there are no consequences for breaking the law.
Lawlessness encourages more lawlessness.
That’s one of the reasons for the lawsuit. It let’s public servants know that we are watching and we won’t allow law-breaking. It only leads to repeat offenders.
No one is above the Law.
Apology. Contrition. Resignation. They only way to redemption.
Michael Johnson
April 17, 2024 at 4:42 pm
Dennis the Menace,With every mindless post you put on here you prove my point. The surprising thing is just the vitriol and the hate that you throw at people you don’t even know just for the sake of doing it.
Your party’s own bylaws state “We must keep in mind the Judeo-Christian principles of the Founding Fathers when they wrote it; the practice of faith under this tradition encourages good moral behavior and the development of character that helps secure the other fundamental bases of our national citizenship”. Do you believe those words, “good moral behavior”? Does that describe you or is it the following?
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
Dennis Fox
April 17, 2024 at 6:13 pm
Little johnson, I do enjoy living rent-free in your head.
Vitriol, hate and the rest of your psycho-babble are just projections conjured-up from inside your own tiny head.
I’m focused on the facts and the law-breaking of the Four commissioners who (read the law) FAILED to select one of the three nominees. Thus the correct and factual, FAILED FOUR commissioners. It’s not hate it’s just FACT.
Want to see the real narcissist, just look in your mirror.
Michael Johnson
April 18, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Well Dennis the Menace you’ve finally done it. You’ve resorted to “I know you are but what am I” mentality. Cute. I know you’re focused on the facts but your bitterness towards life makes you look past the actual law. You read into it what you want. I’ve seen hate before and your comments definitely are full of hate. Sad really. I had lunch with two of your “party” acquaintances yesterday. I’ve known them a very long time. Wouldn’t call them your friends but had interesting conversations. Glad to see they’re not like you. It explains a lot about some of your comments and reactions to different posts though. I didn’t realize you were a lonely man (room for two inside my head) who doesn’t have many friends to talk too and thus…You post things to get attention. This truly will be my last interaction with you on these posts. I think the readers (not your readers, just concerned citizens who want to keep up on things) have gotten a good look at the real person you are. And if you’re looking for a summer job, the Sheridan High School Cheerleaders are going to hold a carwash and can always use an experienced sign holder.
Dennis Fox
April 18, 2024 at 2:14 pm
See ya.
But then you’ve promised to go away and leave us in peace before, and then recanted on your promise.
So we’ll see.
Anytime you want to stick to issues, instead of personal attacks.(which are forbidden on this site)…plz chime in to this important forum, for an exchange of information in these “interesting” times.
And yes I know for a fact, that the readers on this site do not appreciate your ad hominem tirades against other posters.
Be well.
Michael Johnson
April 19, 2024 at 9:37 pm
Just a quick note. My “ad hominem tirade” is only against a single poster not plural …you. Before long you’ll be preaching hell fire and damnation and sentencing the commissioners to a life of misery and destruction. They followed the law and you still got your person on the board but you keep throwing out lawlessness. Keep in mind these folks have families and when you say those things about them, and especially Christy’s incident, their children, parents and friends may read it. You may not have family but they do. See ya.
Dennis Fox
April 22, 2024 at 5:07 pm
She should have thought of “family” when she planned and executed the “Failed Four’s” law-breaking. She should have considered the danger to the community that she was, when she ordered yet another drink.
She should has considered the ramifications to everybody, When she crashed her car into another structure….then drove away. Allegedly of course.
Hit and run and drunk driving are SERIOUS Crimes.
She should apologize, then resign.
My comments are simply a way to keep the public informed, since the media is MIA.
She is solely responsible for her actions and misdeeds. I’m just a rightfully concerned, citizen observer.
Dennis Fox
April 23, 2024 at 11:19 pm
We’ll settle for the apology and resignation of the chairperson who planned and executed the law-breaking: “tipsy christi”
We only got a new board member because the judge was able to read and follow the law. Something the “Failed Four” were unable to do…Pick One person out of three Nominees.
Kids can do it, but commissioners can’t? Give us a break! They willfully and deliberately Broke the Law.
That’s called Lawlessness!
And lawlessness unpunished, leads to more lawlessness.
Hence the “above the law” repeat offender: Tipsy.
Dennis Fox
April 20, 2024 at 6:08 pm
Since I opened with a single word:
Maybe I should close with another single word:
Tipsy christi broke the law last year, by failing to select one of the three nominees. (and she got away scot-free)
Law enforcement and Courts know the tragic results that happen when criminals are let go, without being held accountable. Just look at most of our major Blue cities.
And since the rumor is, this isn’t her first DUI, the correct phrase is: “Repeat Offender.”
We need to hold our elected Public Servants accountable when they break the law, lest the lawlessness of Blue America infects our beautiful Shire.
So the final word is:
Dennis Fox
April 24, 2024 at 4:03 pm
Hey has anyone seen the police report, yet? The news story says, “more details when available” and that was a month ago. Is someone trying to cover up the sordid details? Don’t the good people of Sheridan County deserve to know the truth?
Dennis Fox
April 24, 2024 at 11:01 pm
Can’t wait for the “trail of the century.” Packed courtroom for sure.
Wonder if the guilty verdict comes before or after her resignation/removal from office?
Michael Johnson
April 25, 2024 at 3:19 pm
I think when you get a thought of nastiness, you get so excited that you don’t even know what you’re typing. It’s like you lose your mind for a moment. It would be “Trial of the Century, not Trail of the Century”. Just take a deep breath and come up with something else that is stupid and post that. But proof-read it before posting. Silly boy!
See ya!
Dennis Fox
April 25, 2024 at 4:20 pm
Why bother to proof when I’ve got my own, tiny johnson, editing troll?
But thanks for highlighting and re-posting the “Trial of the Century” for tipsy christi. (did I spell it correctly?)
And you posted another entire rambling, that is 100% about me. (talk about obsessive behavior).
You really are devoid of your own original thoughts, aren’t you?
The Failed Four and their stout defender, antihero, little mike.
Breaking the law is indefensible. Hit and run is in-excusable.
DUI is a bad look for our community and repels tourists.
Tipsy is a bad role model for our youth.
If you favor any of the above lawlessness, please have at it.
Just explain yourself using your own words, not mine.
Michael Johnson
April 25, 2024 at 5:43 pm
So now you’re taking the “tourists” angle? We’ll have to keep that off the Welcome to Sheridan billboards. Hadn’t thought of that. You did spell it correctly. No need for you to look stupid and illiterate. Just trying to help you with your political career. I guess I am feeding into your Narcissistic personality disorder. You should be ecstatic. I can’t help but go back to the trial (notice the spelling?) and the Judge finding in favor of the commissioners, and yet, you feel with your political experience of losing (what is it now? Four times) gives you more creditability? I’ve used pretty much my own words here but when something you say comes up that is just so silly, I have to share. Silly boy!
See ya!
Dennis Fox
April 27, 2024 at 5:08 pm
Visit Sheridan: Most Lawless Commissioners in Wyoming!
Stay in Sheridan: Highest Tourism/Bed Tax in Wyoming!
Shop Sheridan: Highest Sales Tax in Wyoming!
Drive Sheridan: Just look out for DUI/Hit and Run Politicians!
Michael Johnson
April 29, 2024 at 2:52 pm
Well gee. I’m glad you’re letting the voters of Sheridan County know how you and Holly Jennings feel. I’ll definitely remind them again as the election gets closer. Two peas in a pod as they say.
Silly boy!
See ya!
Dennis Fox
April 28, 2024 at 11:18 pm
Tipsy christi still hasn’t offered an apology to the public? It’s getting harder to forgive her, the longer it takes for her to come forward and explain herself. Do we want an (alleged) hit and run, drunk-driver as a role model?
Should she still be in public office? Those are our tax dollars going to keep her comfortable, while she remains in hiding. Money well spent or wasted on a repeat offender?