Appreciating those who go above and beyond: Hub on Smith Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast April 17

The Hub on Smith Volunteer Coordinator Marcie Morrow and Senior Fun and Wellness Coordinator Lisa Wells made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to say thank you to the many volunteers who give their time and energy to further the mission of the multi-generational center.
The Hub on Smith offers many varying volunteer opportunities. Most of the Hub’s generous volunteers deliver meals to seniors throughout Sheridan County, but there are many different ways people have and continue to give their time and energy to the organization.
Volunteer Coordinator Marcie Morrow
M. Marrow
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month at the Hub. To show their gratitude for over 1,300 hours a month given by more than 600 volunteers, the Hub on Smith will be holding the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast beginning at 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. April 17, at the Hub on Smith.
M. Marrow
If you would like to learn more about the Hub on Smith or learn how to volunteer your time, click here.