Sheridan Commission to Consider Liquor License Renewals for 2024

The Sheridan County Commission will work through a relatively light agenda at their first regular meeting for April this Tuesday.
The Commission will consider the renewal for 2024-25 of Restaurant, Guest Ranch, and Retail liquor licenses for businesses in Sheridan County.
Also on the agenda is consideration of Amendment One to the MOU between the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division and Sheridan County; consideration of the Powder Horn Ranch Minor No. 43 Subdivision; and consideration of an application to the Wyoming Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) for the Red Grade Road Phase II project.
The meeting will get underway ay 9 a.m. Tuesday morning in the Second Floor Board Room, #220, in the Sheridan County Courthouse Addition.
The public is welcome and invited to attend.

Dennis Fox
April 1, 2024 at 4:41 pm
The blame for the 84K legal expense rests squarely on the shoulders of the Four commissioners who Failed to “second” any of the three nominees.
Especially true for the chairwoman running things during the failure to select.
Her multiple failures led to the Failed Four’s fall from grace.
Had Commish Chris said just one word: “Second” none of this would have happened.
Michael Johnson
April 3, 2024 at 5:36 pm
Are you sure they’re the ones who failed the citizens of Sheridan County? The Sheridan County Republican Party knew going into the lawsuit they didn’t have a chance of winning, yet by filing suit, cost the citizens of Sheridan over $84,000. They knew what the outcome would be based on past cases. As reported by the Gillette News Record in 2018, several residents complained publicly about the Campbell County GOP’s process to select its nominees, which included now-State Sen. Troy McKeown, R-Gillette. Some accused the far-right segment of the party of manipulating the selection of the three finalists and ignoring more qualified candidates. The Campbell County commissioners were unable to come to a majority consensus about which candidate to put on the board, so they turned to a district court judge to help make a decision. They knew what was going to happen but pursued the lawsuit non-the-less.
They (the SCRP) also hired an attorney that lost a case representing the Uinta County Republican Party so his track record wasn’t the best.
As we look at the Wyoming Statute it seems you only quote the section that suits your argument (almost lawyer like) but if you read it in its entirety, its quite obvious that the commissioners followed it completely. It does not state as to why the commissioners fail to fill the vacancy, only if they fail to fill it. They then, as the statute says, turned it over to a judge. They did what the statute directs them to do.
The word “shall” is somewhat misleading in its meaning as the Supreme Court of the United States itself says that when the word “shall” appears in statutes, it means “may”.
“Shall vs May” Supreme Court decision 1995
Nearly every jurisdiction has held that the word “shall” is confusing because it can also mean “may, will or must.” Legal reference books like the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no longer use the word “shall.” Even the Supreme Court ruled that when the word “shall” appears in statutes, it means “may.”
Wyoming Statute 18-3-524 outlines the process for how political vacancies are filled in Wyoming.
Within 20 days of receiving notice of a vacancy, the chairman of the county central committee belonging to the party previously represented in the vacant seat shall call a meeting of the committee. At the meeting, the committee shall select three people qualified to fill the vacancy.
Next, the law states that the county commissioners “shall fill the vacancy within 20 days after receiving the list from the county central committee by appointing one of the persons whose names are submitted by the county central committee.”
The law goes on to state that if the commissioners fail to fill a vacancy within 20 days, any qualified elector of the county may file a petition with the clerk of the district court of the county in which the vacancy occurred and request a judge to fill the vacancy.
Which is exactly what the commissioners did.
There were some recent letters to the editor of the SP that were really very well written and covered this subject and the SCRP and really brought to light some very interesting things. Where is the SCRP getting their funding to pay their legal costs? Deep, Dark Pockets? Perhaps.
More to Follow…
Dennis Fox
April 4, 2024 at 6:44 pm
Had the Board simply followed the law and selected One of the Three nominees, they would have filled the vacancy. That was a Primary Statutory Duty.
No excuses. They failed to do their job and Forced a judge to step in, to clean up their mess.
They failed. They did so intentionally and are Totally to blame for all lawsuits following the Board’s Failure to select.
I’m sure of it.
Dennis Fox
April 4, 2024 at 6:49 pm
Polling data shows the public is behind the Party 25 to 1.
Many have never seen the public so angry at our four failed commissioners.
And I agree with the public.
Law-breakers should be punished, especially if they break the law while in office.
Michael Johnson
April 5, 2024 at 10:58 am
I’m not sure what your posts have to do with the subject of Liquor license renewal but I’ll jump in. Polling data??? What polling data? Perhaps in your small circle of party members you get together to lick your wounds and talk about how angry you are because you lost. I don’t think your personal feelings are going to sway future elections.
Dennis Fox
April 5, 2024 at 3:03 pm
With a degree in PolySci, I’m fully capable of conducting statistically valid Public Polling. And have been doing so in Sheridan for well over a decade.
The Failed Four commissioners broke the Law and the vast majority of the public knows it and wants those 4 to be held to account.
Don’t know how to fix the lawlessness in the rest of America, but here in Wyoming, we follow the Law.
Michael Johnson
April 5, 2024 at 4:14 pm
If you have a degree in PolySci, you would know that people would have to actually participate in the poll. You may be fully capable of conducting a poll, but you just aren’t doing it. You went from 25 to 1 to vast majority in a hurry. Just cause you say its so don’t make it so. You can’t even look at a simple sales tax report of Wyoming counties and see that out of 23 counties, 18 have a sales tax rate of 6% or higher, and still you feel that is a “minority”. PoliSci degrees must not cover math. Once again, an educated person like yourself should know the law wasn’t broken or a judge with a DEGREE IN LAW would have found them guilty. The only thing I’ve seen you do the last 10 years is FAIL.
Michael Johnson
April 6, 2024 at 9:57 am
The Failed Four Commissioners, as you have so childishly tagged them, are not guilty because a gentleman that we call a judge with a LAW DEGREE was fully capable of conducting a trial, looking at the ridiculous lawsuit and found them to be not guilty. Hey, these degrees are pretty cool.
Dennis Fox
April 8, 2024 at 5:49 pm
You’re right, thanks. My data was based on the 2022 county info and we were in fact in the minority, then. But as you pointed out, Socialism is creeping into more and more Wyoming counties. The socialist Big Lie, that, ” Higher Taxes are good for us” is growing like a cancer in Wyoming. Marxism does tend to infect, if we don’t stay vigilant against it’s Propaganda and Tyranny. Thanks for alerting readers to the fact of growing/creeping Marxism in Wyoming. Guess we’ll have to fight that much harder in 2024!