Northeast Transmission Main Extension Project Public Meeting

The City of Sheridan will be hosting a public meeting on the Northeast Transmission Main Extension Project. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
The public meeting will be held Tuesday, March 26 at noon in Council Chambers on the third floor of Sheridan City Hall. According to information on the City’s website, the purpose of the meeting is to allow citizens to review and comment on the Northeast Transmission Main Extension Project. The proposed water transmission main was described in the 2019 Sheridan Water System Master Plan, Level I Study, and is intended to extend the water supply system through an area of Sheridan that is underserved, both on a location and capacity basis. The extension will complete a transmission loop for the City and will provide major water transmission improvements to the northeast side of Sheridan to meet domestic needs, improve health and safety, improve pressure and increase flows in the area.
City officials will present the preliminary design of the proposed project and will discuss the estimated cost and the plan for funding the project. Based on current cost estimates, the City intends to borrow $1.9 million from the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) administered by the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments. No increased user fees are anticipated to repay the loans. The loan terms are requesting a 1.25 percent interest rate for 20 years if principal forgiveness is not available.