Governor, State Health Officer Extend Statewide Public Health Orders Through April 30

Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist have extended the three existing statewide health orders through April 30 to slow community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) and protect lives.
The Governor continues to emphatically state that people need to stay home whenever possible to prevent or slow the spread of the virus. These orders are meant to enforce that direction through April. Specifically, the current orders closing public places including schools, prohibiting gatherings of 10 people or more in a single room or confined space (including outdoors) and closing bars, restaurants, coffee shops and some personal services businesses will continue through April 30. Food establishments can continue to provide delivery services, but carry-out service is now required to take place curbside.
“The decision to extend these orders was made to save lives and keep people at home,” Governor Gordon said. “We are seeing community transmission of COVID-19 occur around the state and we will continue to see more confirmed cases in the weeks to come. This action will help lower the rate of transmission and protect both our healthcare system and the healthcare workers we all rely on.”
The Governor has also issued a directive requiring any individual coming to Wyoming from another state or country for a non-work-related purpose to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days. For visits fewer than 14 days, that individual must self-quarantine for the duration of the visit. The directive is intended to discourage out-of-state visitation during the pandemic and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
“We know that travel from another state or country is a source of COVID-19 infections in Wyoming,” Governor Gordon said. “Visitors from neighboring states have strained the resources of many Wyoming communities so we are asking them to do the right thing to protect the health of our citizens and the resources of our rural healthcare facilities.”
Dr. Harrist noted Wyoming continues to see community spread of COVID-19 and social distancing measures remain the most effective means to slow the spread of the virus.”We need everyone to stay home as much as possible,” Harrist said. “Anyone can spread this disease, even if they don’t yet realize they are ill.” The updated orders and the Governor’s directive can be found here:

Fred araas3rd
April 3, 2020 at 3:28 pm
Psalms 91 read all is very effective from the Almighy God for our times and added protection. To God be all Glory..Thankyou ..Respectfully to all…Fred
April 3, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Put a dang Shelter In Place order out Governor. Quit acting like Cowboys are too tough to get sick. You can’t enforce a “recommendation” to stay home.
April 4, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Well, for one thing a “Shelter in Place” order is unconstitutional. How quickly we’re so willing to give up our rights….
mary penfold
April 4, 2020 at 10:57 am
Wy doesn’t have that many people like other states, but there’s a lot of people that aren’t following the present rules. WY needs shelter in place order,also our grocey stores can’t keep up having food on sheveles, do you plan on calling our national gruard to help getting food faster to our stores
mark steingass
April 9, 2020 at 4:58 am
mick…you are most definitely “a man of few words”…so mick…what about the rights of others?… such rights as but not limited to life, liberty and happiness…some misguided pundits have said that this is all a bunch of “fear-mongering” by the CDC and Health Departments …and that fear-mongering people are taking away your rights….in my mind fear can be a good thing because when people feel the emotion of fear they are inherently more defensive and more cautious and considering that COVI19 is a super contagion and can kill you or a loved one people need to be defensive, cautious and fear COVID19…it’s good to fear some things…COVID19 is one of “those things to fear”… it can kill ya’…or a loved one
Dennis Fox
April 9, 2020 at 4:25 pm
We should all be extremely proud of Gov. Gordon for treating our liberty with such reverence. He’s treating us like the freedom-loving, responsible adults that we are and I respect and commend his good judgement. Of course the few socialist among us would prefer to order everyone to comply with their controlling, fascistic mandates. Good news though, they are free to seek authoritarianism. I hear NYC has some openings.
mark steingass
April 9, 2020 at 6:14 pm
current state recommendations or guidelines by Gov Gordon will only remain logical as long as the COVID19 infection rate is manageable and trackable but if the infection rate becomes problematic or out of control i suspect gov Gordons “good judgment” might rub the “freeman” the wrong way at any rate it’s better to plan for the storm than to react to the storm…so we can keep the ventilators up at memorial hospital “vacant”…by the way…the storm is COVID19
Dennis Fox
April 10, 2020 at 1:48 pm
As circumstances change, we will adapt. Currently, with no deaths in the entire state and not a single Covid-19 patient in Sheridan Hospital, I think the current guidelines are pretty good. In fact, I’d like the governor to lift all current restrictions as soon as possible. Poverty kills millions more, nationally and world-wide, thru famine and lack of clean water; than disease ever does. We need to re-open the economy ASAP, lest we self-induce the greater depression.
April 11, 2020 at 11:14 am
We winter in Southern Missouri, rural area. Nearest town is 30 minutes away. I wear a sheet rock mask and painting gloves to go to Walmart. Been in house forever. Our stay at home order is til April 24th, while Sheridan is on to April 30. I am proud that WY is surviving so well with this illness. No hospital stays and no deaths. What other state can say that. But we want to come home. No problem doing the 14 day self quarantine, Praying MO and Sheridan don’t extend their orders.