History Happy Hour – Sheridan Floods

The Museum at the Bighorns held their March History Happy Hour program at the PO News & Flagstaff Cafe on Friday, March 8. Presenter Greg Luhman, retired captain of the Sheridan City Fire Department, had a slide show about some of the floods that have occurred in the city of Sheridan.

He urged the audience to contribute their memories about the floods in the area. One question from the floor was “What was the most recent flood of major size in Sheridan?”
Luhmans said,
That flood did not affect Main Street. With the exception of one time when a major rainstorm happened, Luhmans said he had not heard about Main Street being affected by flooding since 1963. After that the city began flood control measures.

The first flood Luhmans found in his research recorded was in 1899,
He had a box of the bricks for anyone wanting to see them.

Luhmans showed several old photos of the floods and asked for audience comments about the photos.

He talked about some of the flood control measures that have been put in over the years, and some that are still on-going.

The Museum at the Bighorns would like to give a big shout out to Mark Demple at PO News and Flagstaff Cafe for hosting History Happy Hour this month!