Board Receives Overview of Hospital Response to COVID-19

How Sheridan Memorial Hospital is responding to the COVID-19 crisis was the focus of a meeting of the hospital’s board of trustees Wednesday.
Cody Sinclair, who’s the hospital’s incident commander, said there has been a team effort with all levels of the hospital involved. He said an incident command team has been meeting twice a day, at 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Each of the hospital’s section chiefs also talked more to the board about what is being done in those individual areas.
Sinclair said in the twice-daily meetings, the team talks about not only what their looking at for the day but what is looming for the future.

Sinclair said there is also a daily report-out to hospital staff at 11:30 a.m., when other staff members are briefed about what the incident command team is working on. He said that’s an opportunity for other staff members to provide feedback and ideas as well.
Hospital trustees also heard from Dr. John Addlesperger, the hospital’s chief medical officer, and Dr. Ian Hunter, county health officer.
Hospital CEO Mike McCafferty said it was important to recognize what he called the amazing outpouring of support to the hospital from the Sheridan community. He said support from individuals and from businesses continues to roll in.